Monday, November 14, 2011

Penn State, my final loss of faith - Guest Voices - The Washington Post

  I think this kid speaks for a great many of us-far too many for my personal taste. But once the Reaganites got their mits on our system and turned it into a personal mint for the more fortunate this was bound to happen. I certainly hope this man goes into politics. I have watched my parents' generation be hypocritical beyond belief and it makes me so sick that I won't go anywhere near politics.

Penn State, my final loss of faith - Guest Voices - The Washington Post: "Posted at 06:58 PM ET, 11/11/2011
Penn State, my final loss of faith
By Thomas L. Day
I’m 31, an Iraq war veteran, a Penn State graduate, a Catholic, a native of State College, acquaintance of Jerry Sandusky’s, and a product of his Second Mile foundation .

And I have fully lost faith in the leadership of my parents’ generation.

I was never harmed by Sandusky, but I could have been. When I was 15, my mother, then looking for a little direction for her teenage son, introduced me to the Second Mile’s Friend Fitness program. It was a program resembling Big Brother, Big Sister with a weekly exercise regimen."

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011


In response to Denver Mayor Michael Hancock’s insistence that Occupy Denver choose leadership to deal with City and State officials, and drawing inspiration from the notion that corporations are people, Occupy Denver’s General Assembly has elected a leader: Shelby, a three year old Border Collie."

There you have. The first decent response to "Citizens United". I am a big fan of border collies. Smart. Quick on their feet and obedient. Much like a good CEO-only border collies are much cuter, cuddlier, and have a better head for business than the average executive.
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Monday, November 7, 2011

New Bill In Congress Could Turn Alternative Media Outlets and YouTube Singers Into Felons | | AlterNet

New Bill In Congress Could Turn Alternative Media Outlets and YouTube Singers Into Felons | | AlterNet: "New Bill In Congress Could Turn Alternative Media Outlets and YouTube Singers Into Felons
SB 978 is just one more bullet in a broader government effort to end the web as we know it.
October 31, 2011 |

In June, Senator Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., introduced SB 978, specifically “to amend the criminal penalty provision for criminal infringement of a copyright, and for other purposes.”

In lay terms, it’s the “illegal streaming bill,” and it would essentially make the streaming of any copyrighted material on the Internet a felony punishable by up to five years in prison."

   This goes hand in hand with my previous post about the Wealthy Elite. Not that they are connected in any conspiratorial kind of way-or that it is dead-bang for certain that there are Evil Puppetmasters out there trying to  turn all of our brains into giant bio-batteries for the Machine-World to grow fat upon.  But I am saying that we are setting ourselves up for a shit-storm of trouble just by eroding  any sort of freedom "in the name of..."-what? Making sure everybody get fucked because people are stealing?
We do that all the time-all sorts of government regulations impede the ability of honest people to do business to ensure the Bad Guys don't take advantage of us. Sometimes those are good regulations-even when they suck. Look at Glass-Stegall. Kept alot of people from making a few honest bucks. Kept a  few  from gambling away the future of the World's economy. We took it away and it took them less than a decade to cornhole all of us into next week (or 2018 as it now seems) without having the common decency of giving us a reach-around.
   What Glass-Steagall didn't do (at least near as I can tell) was insure that if a nefarious, evil freak manages to lie his way into the White House that this (along with various other measures passed by slightly less nefarious freaks) could seriously tip the balance of power in the country OUT of the hands of the public and into the hands of....well, nefarious freaks. Silencing  1st Amendment freedoms does just that. Giving the private sector the power to get the Government to fuck the little guy on their behalf for expressing himself is a series of unfortunate events waiting to happen.
Oh, wait, that phrase wasn't copyrighted was it?
Think about it.
Do want to live in that America?

......And now a word to the entertainment business. You often suck and too many of your executives look at their personal and IRS bottom lines before their business. Who the fuck do you think buys the (mostly) crap you ram down peoples' throats? Middle class consumers. If the rich people keep fucking them without leaving a twenty on the nightstand afterwards, eventually they are just gonna go mooch of the library's wifi and torrent all your shit because they have no money to buy it.
 Ever heard of  Garage Band-or Pro Tools?
Or a local recording studio?
Or Internets radio?
Record companies can be started for free now.
You can shoot HD on a cell phone and edit it on YouTube.
You don't matter anymore-unless you make good content. It would help if you spent some time developing artists too, less upfront costs having to find "the NEXT (fill in the balnk)!" every 15 minutes and more time making things people think are worth money. There is ZERO shortage of talent, drive, and ambition. There is HUGE lack of vision and clarity in the upper echelons...and because of that I can't express myself freely?
Fuck the"illegal streaming bill"!
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Saturday, November 5, 2011

UPDATE: The Vexatious Monkey - Edit post

Blogger: The Vexatious Monkey - Edit post:
Dear politicians and So-Called Journalists,
Thank you very much for creating a panic around the so-called 'stalled' recovery just so you can make money and get people to watch your tv shows and read your newspapers. So-called jobless recovery? Recoveryless recovery? Weak job growth and GDP growth? Well, the economy STILL grew didn't it? If barely faster than the rate of population growth-it still grew faster. We can't have a corporate-based measure of growth forever can we? What happens when the world population begins to drop at mid-century?
Corporate profits are at an all time high, housing prices in some large markets are actually starting to recover. Rental properties are at almost pre-crash levels of occupancy, rental cars are 3 times more expensive for the cheapest ones as they were 1 year ago, airlines and hotels are full ... And you want me to listen to the same fucking morons and stupid corrupt so desperate for attention assholes who helped cause of this problem to begin with? Why should we listen to them?
There was a panic, a panic, a panic! It wasn't just the banking crisis, it wasn't just the housing crash or all the bullshit corrupt fucking paper being shuffled around, the panic crashed the economy. It was all the assholes trying to get attention to make money off there so called fucking expert, freak people the fuck out, money grubbing opinion corporate media whores.
Those people panicked the public. That panic crashed everything.
And now they are repeating the whole fucking thing over again in Europe-and you ass-jackals are running along behind them picking up the crumbs. I am no historian, but this seems to remind me of 1932 all over again-so ten years of banks siphoning tangible wealth out of Nation-States and their people then World War III?
Ummm, yeah. Don't think you're gonna sneak that one past Occupy. You can try, but it's getting closer to the election and no matter how much you pay for your politicians, they will drop you like a hot rock if they think their jobs are going away.
Sleep tight, happy Sunday assholes! Thanks!

I originally published on the 9th of July this will be the second update: Just a brief "I told you so"-just so we understand what an ass I am. And how pissed off I am-except now there are tens of thousands of us in the street being pissed-off.
Guess what? Unemployment is down, job numbers from the previous two months have been revised up and of course everyone is terrified about how the World's largest economy, an economy so vastly, enormously, hugely out of proportion to any other that the slightest hiccup in it's well-oiled mechanism could send the entire economy of the Western Spiral Arm of the Galaxy spiraling down a wormhole into nothingness may just be needing to borrow more fake paper money that has no actual value.....
Of course I am talking about Greece silly! Everybody knows they are trying to destroy the World Economy.....
I know. You think I am full of crap.
Wait 'til about February. They'll blame it all on the Black Guy while they are dropping their hoods off at Limbaugh's house for cleaning. And then they'll try to steal another election and give it to nitwit they can control.
Bite me.