Monday, April 23, 2012

Truth or Consequences :: Texas Monthly...or How George W. Bush....Oh, Like You Fucking Care...

Truth or Consequences :: Texas Monthly: "Truth or Consequences
Eight years ago, Dan Rather broadcast an explosive report on the Air National Guard service of President George W. Bush. It was supposed to be the legendary newsman’s finest hour. Instead, it blew up in his face, tarnishing his career forever and casting a dark cloud of doubt and suspicion over his reporting—and that of every other journalist on the case. This month, as Rather returns with a new memoir, Joe Hagan finally gets to the bottom of the greatest untold story in modern Texas politics, with exclusive, never-before-seen details that shed fresh light on who was right, who was wrong, and what really happened."

'via Blog this'once again, politicians who lie for a living managed to convince the public that journalists-who tell the truth for a living are liars.

   So, was he AWOL or not? Did he flunk a whizz quizz or not?
This is a pretty damning article...will it call him to account for the deaths of as many as a million civilians and as many as 17,000 us service personnel (yes, I said 17,000-do the math on death benefits paid)?
Probably not.
All Americans who did not do their research and trusted politicians over journalists -some of whom have broken countless important stories should be held to account. For being fucking morons.
And of course, some of the crucial players are dead.
As usual.