Tuesday, July 9, 2013

How Green is Your State

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Getting on the 405

I've been trying to get this shot for months. Obviously some kid who was thoroughly baked or on acid created some silly art.

Friday, June 14, 2013

On Mr. Snowden and the NSA...

The difference between a democracy and a police state is that in a democracy, your government hears you.  In a police state, they listen to you. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life: Playing the Obama Bumper Sticker Game | Common Dreams

Yes, it's depressing. So much so that it is becoming hilarious in a way that rivals the end of Monty Python's "Life of Brian".
Not A Kenyan.
Not a Socialist.
Not a Nazi.
Not even a fucking Liberal.....he's to the right of Reagan on more issues than he is to the left of him.
And finally the conservatives seem to have discovered the Constitution-now they actually have something real to use against him. At least something real to use against him that wouldn't require them to throw all of their major donors in Leavenworth. At least not immediately.
And this pains me greatly for two reasons, he has the brains, charisma, and leadership skills to transform the whole world forever practically overnight-and hasn't. He has also helped so many immigrants and people in the LGBT community so much-but then stabbed them in the back by rushing their civil liberties while expanding their civil rights.
That hurts me because for the last 25 years I have been living in, and working in, those communities. One the people who I love more than anything in the world is both Latino and a member of the LGBT community. I want to be proud of him, but instead I can only offer a little gratitude and then go back to being disgusted.

From Common Dreams:
"Playing the Obama Bumper Sticker Game | Common Dreams
There’s no easier way to gauge the disappointment that liberals and progressives should feel toward President Obama than to look at their cars – more specifically, their bumper stickers.
(Photo: Mikebny/ Flickr)I’ve been playing this game for years. Whenever I see a car with an Obama-Biden bumper sticker and a second bumper sticker, most of the time I can predict the following about that second sticker:"

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Lindsay Lohan in Court

 ...Insider saying "Lindsay Lohan Court" 3rd most popular search today on Yahoo.
This begs 2 key questions:
1.) Is it any wonder George Carlin thought the human race was doomed?
2.) Who the FUCK still uses Yahoo?
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Happy 10th Birthday, Iraq War...Dangerous Minds | Dying vet’s ‘fuck you’ letter to George Bush & Dick Cheney needs to be read by every American

This says all that needs to be said...well, except fuck you to the cowards in the current government -a list too long to print...
Where is the justice and the truth and the American Fucking Way?
I'll tell you where, it's out in the alley, on it's knees in broken glass desperately trying to find the tiny, disease-ridden dick of a lobbyist so it can suck it.
And you know what? It's your fault. You keep voting for these lying-ass rat-bastards.
Bend over and take what you deserve......

Dangerous Minds | Dying vet’s ‘fuck you’ letter to George Bush & Dick Cheney needs to be read by every American: "To: George W. Bush and Dick Cheney
From: Tomas Young

I write this letter on the 10th anniversary of the Iraq War on behalf of my fellow Iraq War veterans. I write this letter on behalf of the 4,488 soldiers and Marines who died in Iraq. I write this letter on behalf of the hundreds of thousands of veterans who have been wounded and on behalf of those whose wounds, physical and psychological, have destroyed their lives. I am one of those gravely wounded. I was paralyzed in an insurgent ambush in 2004 in Sadr City. My life is coming to an end. I am living under hospice care."

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From TheAtlanticWire.com: This Would be Infuriating if.....

   ...the blatant incompetence and cowardly, poorly-hidden white supremacism weren't so utterly comical.
With all due respect to the young lady- she seems nice and earnest enough-this is a great lesson:
If you are approached by someone to stand up for their cause and be used as an example? Be prepared to be used and made an example of.

   Anybody who doesn't think there isn't still massive institutionalized racism in this country either needs to sprout a brain-stem or listen to white people talk.

   My personal opinion is that most racism is due more to culture clash and ignorance than hate. I realize that there is definitely a hate component to it in the bigger sense, but just think about how completely ignorant of the world most people are. If any of you have lived in a severely economically depressed, crime-ridden area in a major city, imagine the average wonder-bread chomping, working-class white dude who has never lived there would react upon being dumped there.
That is what it is like for Whitey when he meets people from that background anywhere. They are foreigners, and his little Wonder-Bread-addled chimpanzee-brain is taught to loathe and fear foreigners simply because they are different.
Nothing much changes that quickly, we have the ability to evolve consciously, but that costs education dollars that we are unwilling to spend because those who profit from dividing and controlling us tell us so.
So, we get what we deserve.

" ...Neither Fisher nor Blum mentioned those 42 applicants in interviews. Nor did they acknowledge the 168 black and Latino students with grades as good as or better than Fisher's who were also denied entry into the university that year. Also left unsaid is the fact that Fisher turned down a standard UT offer under which she could have gone to the university her sophomore year if she earned a 3.2 GPA at another Texas university school in her freshman year.....

....Public opinion on race has changed over time as well. In the 1950s, surveys show, most white Americans believed that black Americans faced substantial discrimination but that they themselves experienced little. Today, despite gaping disparities between black and white Americans in income, education, health care, homeownership, employment and college admissions, a majority of white Americans now believe they are just as likely, or more likely, to face discrimination as black Americans."

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Chris Dorner. Not Buying Any of it. Not From......

....The Maintream Media, not from RT......nobody.
It's all bullshit.
Absorb as much raw info as you can and make up your OWN damn mind.

Okay, so in the spirit of intellectual honesty let me say a few things-pro and con.
First off, I believe Dorner is dead. I also believe he snapped because he got fucked.
Secondly, I watch RT from time to time. I call it Vladjazeera. It is a Russian-owned equivalent of FOX News.
That insult being said, even Fox gets things right from time to time.
The female host is, to put it bluntly, ape-ing Rachel Maddow. Probably using NLP techniques as well (do the research, it'll explain why a whole lot of people fall for the same shit over and over again.)
Listen to her cadence, her phrasing, her choice of language....it is all to draw-in would-be fans of Left-Leaning American Voters.
Yes, in caps. They are a proper noun now.
Much of this language is (pardon the obvious pun) -incendiary
But, with good reason.
There are MANY ACTUAL FACTS in this interchange that haven't and probably won't make the M$M.
I have no reason to doubt that Chris Dorner committed the acts he was accused of,  but the end-result is that the WHY of his actions is being obfuscated.
And I have heard NO local reporters use the word 'allegedly' in any of the accounts since this whole thing started.
I despise the alleged actions of Dorner, but everything that happened he is alleged to have done until proven.
You just let the media bulldoze you into thinking any of this was proven.
Didn't you?
If I were a family member? I'd be filing a shit-ton of lawsuits right now....I don't say this in support of anybody, just a reminder to the 'journalists' who have completely ignored their personal obligation to the Constitution...that pesky thing that gives them a job....
...and a free country to live in where they can suck any corporate dick for money, malign any person across the globe (rightly or wrongly) and come home to a secure building with gates and locks and security systems and STILL have the right to keep any appropriate self-defense ordinance under their bed if the object of their profession decides to come-a-callin' late at night to dispute a story.
Most citizens and journalists on this pathetic rock don't (legally) have that luxury (or right, if you are rich)
I don't know what happened.
Neither do you.
If people want to stop all of the conspiracy theorists from doing their job of extrapolating observation and comparing it to history and coming up with...????
Maybe a little transparency should happen.
I have caught several inconsistencies in the stories that came from the crimes, the manhunt, and the subsequent standoff.....and I wasn't even looking. They were just there-and nobody questioned them.
Then other reports have surfaced detailing differences in official accounts.
Nope. No more links. Do your own homework.
You probably won't so I am not going to waste my time doing it for you. 

Monday, January 7, 2013

We Are Witnessing The Death Of Small Business In America

Good, balanced article that shies away from painting any one cause with a broad brush. Worth a read. It is seems, based on everything I can see, to be well researched and sourced. I didn't see much in the way of any partisan bias. It gives consideration to the points made by both liberals and conservatives alike lending weight to the argument that there needs to be a holistic, balanced approach to reform at all levels.

We Are Witnessing The Death Of Small Business In America: "We Are Witnessing The Death Of Small Business In America
By Michael, on December 13th, 2012
Historically, small businesses have been the primary engine of new job creation in the United States.  If the economy was getting healthy, we would expect to see the number of jobs at new businesses rise.  Instead, we are witnessing just the opposite.  We are told that the economy is supposed to be "recovering", but the number of "startup jobs" at new businesses has fallen for five years in a row."

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