Saturday, June 16, 2012

*WARNING* Some People Will Find this VERY Offensive:Beware Republicans-What President Obama's Campaign Has Not Done...Yet...

So, there are a few folks out there on the Republican side of the Great Divide currently referred to as 'American Politics' who are feeling a bit smug right now.
Those are the folks who understand the importance of 'messaging'. The Republican-Right has control of the collective voice-box of their whole party and they are caterwauling to the heavens a vomitous river of speech that, much like actual an actual river of real vomit, gets all over things, sticks to it, and grows more repellent and ripe every day.
Wedges of language are being driven daily ( as they have for 35 years) between all factions on the Democratic side of the aisle. Most recently in Wisconsin where they messaged the hell out of the idea that the recall should only be applied to gross abuses of power and violations of the law.
AKA: The things Walker may likely be going to prison for.
Don't think for a second that recall organizers weren't aware of that but:
1. They had far less money.
2. They were smart enough to not interfere in an ongoing investigation for political profit.

Ever wonder why Romney AND Obama steered clear of that show?

Well, don't think that the Dems are as stupid as the Teas Party Idiots hope they are when they look in the mirror and high-five themselves for destroying the recovery.

Everybody with half a brain (which eliminates a huge chunk of the TP'ers) knows that this whole thing in Wisconsin is a continuation of the multi-generational onslaught by the portion of the Republican Party that Barry Goldwater and Ike warned us about.
    (Side note: you know who else thinks on the same multi-generational timeline? Muslim extremist terrorists. Seriously. Yes, I am comparing the two. They have roughly the same moral structure and level of religious fanaticism.)
The current PR-battle is a continuation of the PATCO-strike massacre of civil rights and public safety. The Right is driving a wedge between public unions and private ones.
And thinks the Dems are too dumb to notice.
Well, using the same concept as Al-Quaeda, the Taliban, and the Tea Party but on a shorter timeline the Democratic party is hedging it's bets.
They have certain demographics locked down and are preemptively dealing with voter-purges....and they can be pretty certain that Mr. Obama will utterly clean Romney's dough-filled clock in debates.
The thing that can't be counted upon is the stupidity-or lack thereof-of a certain, rather import group:
The American voter. A group so prone to inexplicable stupidity that the very future of the planet could hinge upon whether or not they decide to actually THINK before they go to the polls in November.

To be clear: I tend to go by what I hear the candidates say.  I tend to shy away from candidate websites and literature for the same reason I don't go to strip-clubs: I am not a fan of having a pretty person butter me up to the point that I spend all my money just to end up going home and fucking myself.

That being said I would to point out the Dems' take on wedging groups apart...or at least the way I see it and would do it if I were an evil bastard willing to do anything utterly insane like telling voters the truth in an election year.
Much has been said about 'The Job Creators' and taxes.
Honestly, it makes a HELL of a lot of sense on the surface. What decent, intelligent, hardworking businessperson wouldn't take extra cash and do something constructive with it?
Any half-wit that has every had a good idea for a business and didn't have any venture capitol understands the old adage "it takes money to make money". Honestly, all the Republicans that I know that are in business reinvest money constantly and hire people to expand their business to make more money. When they get a tax break they often use a portion of that money to build their business-they also spend more money on beer, dinner, vacations, and toys.
People like Mitt Romney take that extra cash (-or rather the people they pay to handle it do-) and invest it where it will make the most money (like jobs in China) or be exposed to the least tax-liability (like the Cayman Islands).
If he wants to use it before the election, President Obama can just start clubbing everyone on the planet to death with that and simply ask: "Where are the jobs your greedy, treasonous, hiding your money in foreign lands, bastards?".
...that'll cull a few from the heard.
And recent history has shown all you need is to cull 538 voters.

Wait until they drop the bomb: "You real job creators are going to have to get your taxes raised because of these bastards unless you vote for me.We all know we need more revenue...where's it gonna come from? You don't think the Tea Party will vote for one of my ideas even if I am not President do you?"
You know they won't.
They won't compromise. They'll either lose, or fight 'till they are all voted-out-and by that time it will be a total clusterfuck.
...and how does that work?
Simple. The real job creators-those who have taken advantage of tax-cuts to grow their businesses will get that coded message: 'Vote for Obama and the cuts continue-but with caveats-and maybe even retroactive incentives-for those who invest'.
REMEMBER: That was one of his 2008 campaign 'promises'.
The short, long-game for the Dems?
Romney wins and if  he leads the way he talks, the whole world economy goes off a cliff. in a grand, black-comedy way as if it were a 'Toonces the Driving Cat' video.
And it will if his mouth is any guide (well, that and his history in Massachusetts-except he won't be driving tech jobs out of a state, they will be going out of the country).
The very-rich will get richer. Some of the moderately-rich become very rich...and a lot of rich people become poorer.
Those folks will be pissed.
They will be retired generals and colonels, retired small-bank and mid-level insurance executives, medium-sized business and manufacturing owners....and everyone else.
In 2016-and the elections prior, they will bend the Republicans over a loading dock railing and fist them brutally...and not in the way the guy they hooked-up with at CPAC via GRINDR did either.
Actually, they will get their burnout-looking grandson who everyone thinks is a brain-dead, paint-huffing freak because he wears  studded gloves and Judas Priest t-shirts but who is actually the quiet one who was paying attention all along to do it.
Say hello to the return of  the 70% top marginal tax-rate.
And the New New Deal.
And another 4 decades in the wilderness for the Republicans.
Whether or not it is good for America.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Trans Pacific Partnership Document Leaked, Shows Corporations Could Violate National Sovereignty | FDL News Desk

think this pretty much proves how full of election-year bullshit McCain et al are over the White House leaks. Whoever the leaker is is disgusted by Obama's behavior.
Lists of people to kill? Seriously? You know who does that? People like Klebold and Harris. 

Letting Companies decide laws-letting  foreign companies decide our laws? What the hell do these people think they are doing?
It's like the mining company from Alien traveled back through time and replaced President Obama and John McCain with androids.
Seriously. McCain sat on his hands over the Valerie Plame thing and now he's all up in arms that someone exposed what an asshole President Obama is being....
Well, at least one of them is taking a little responsibility for their own actions.
Look, I voted for Obama, and I am again this this year, but I made it very clear to his campaign I will never vote for a compromise candidate again.

Trans Pacific Partnership Document Leaked, Shows Corporations Could Violate National Sovereignty | FDL News Desk: "Trans Pacific Partnership Document Leaked, Shows Corporations Could Violate National Sovereignty
By: David Dayen Wednesday June 13, 2012 9:42 am

While I was watching a generally weak set of questioning of Jamie Dimon at the Senate Banking Committee (outside of Menendez, Brown and especially Merkley), Zach Carter was reporting on a key leaked document from the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations. This is the “NAFTA for Asia” trade deal that Senators sought more transparency for earlier in the week. Well, thanks to Public Citizen, now they know a bit more about what’s in this trade deal. And now we know why it was a well-guarded secret."

'via Blog this'