Thursday, December 20, 2012

If it Doesn't Happen to Americans, it Doesn't Happen......

No false equivalency here-its EXACTLY the same thing...where was the outrage last Friday? The calls to ban knives?
Oh, that's right, once again, little brown 3rd World kids don't count.

Oh, and then there is this.

Let's just ban everything and blame bad shit on fucktards.

This isn't about you, or your kid, or and one person or small group of people. This is about the whole fucking world-everybody. This is about all of us making sure that the human race isn't crushed.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Mayor Bloomerberg Tells the President of the United States How to do His Job

Mayor Bloomberg, a man who has changed laws to stay in power has also referred to the NYPD as his army....
Well, Mayor Bloomberg's 'army' is responsible for one of the largest mass homicides of civilians in recent years in NYC. Mayor Bloomberg's 'army'  has also been found guilty of targeting brown people for unconstitutional, warrantless searches. The Mayor's 'army' has also been given a free pass to assault people for exercising their right to  protest-even though they (like Anthony Balogna) have been caught on video blatantly assaulting people without cause. Mr. Bloomberg is also crediting his assault on the Constitution with eradicating crime in NYC when in reality it probably has more to do with: 1) the over-gentrification and 2)the ultra-commercialization which has priced criminals out of the market and just moved them into other people's communities.
If you are poor in NYC you still go to a shitty school and if you are black in NYC you still get unfair treatment from the cops.
Now the Mayor is telling the back guy in the White House how to do his job.
I think it is pretty obvious (IN MY OPINION) that Bloomberg is a power-hungry racist and has no standing to tell anyone they should lose their civil liberties and rights because nobody does anything about the mentally ill.

Friday, December 14, 2012

No UK Trial for 'UFO Hacker' - Articles - Coast to Coast AM

No UK Trial for 'UFO Hacker' - Articles - Coast to Coast AM: "The decade-long legal saga of UK computer hacker Gary McKinnon appears to have been resolved today as British officials decided against putting him on trial in England or launching a new criminal investigation,"

'via Blog this'

Not My Words-CNN's: Drone strikes kill, maim and traumatize too many civilians, U.S. study says -

"Drone strikes kill, maim and traumatize too many civilians, U.S. study says - "(CNN) -- U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan have killed far more people than the United States has acknowledged, have traumatized innocent residents and largely been ineffective, according to a new study released Tuesday.
The study by Stanford Law School and New York University's School of Law calls for a re-evaluation of the practice, saying the number of "high-level" targets killed as a percentage of total casualties is extremely low -- about 2%."

So, our President is shedding tears in public over a horrendous tragedy. That is right and proper. Fortunately for shut-ins and morons, this gives the media something to vomit over the airwaves 24/7 for the next week to sell more commercial.
While we obsess over every single bit of minutiae in this case as if we actually the investigating it ourselves, and while every reporter at every news conference is dying to ask the one question that will make them sound important and worthy of a job in national news, we-as a nation-are doing the same thing on a regular basis. It just doesn't matter because they are little, poor, brown babies in foreign, Third-World countries and it is being done by, and at the behest of 'sane, rational professionals' in the name of 'National Security'.

Notice I am not mentioning what horrendous tragedy.
I am probably the only blogger in America who isn't.

The sheer fact that one is getting wall-to wall coverage and the other gets only tertiary coverage is even more disgusting.
All the innocents die as part of the same struggle, and only a few are actually given a shit about by anyone but their loved ones and a precious few activists.'via Blog this'