Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Small Occupy Movements Across the Country Accumulate Victories | Truthout

Small Occupy Movements Across the Country Accumulate Victories | Truthout: " UC Riverside researchers surveyed 482 incorporated towns and cities in California and found that 143 - nearly 30 percent - had Occupy sites on Facebook between December 1 and December 8."

   For those of you who think that this is a bunch of dirty-smelly, comminist hippies asking for handouts?
Fuck you.
You are retards.
   If you are stupid enough to indentify with and support what today passes for 'conservative' your argument has no legs to stand on. Zero. Your "ideology" is not even greed, it is rationalized avarice that has led to acts of evil-yes evil-there, someone finally said it to your face and, at the end of the day, your entire idea boils down to one supporting statement: "It can't happen here, this is America!"
That's all you got.

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

This Is What The Government Told Gizmodo About Osama Bin Laden's Body

This Is What The Government Told Gizmodo About Osama Bin Laden's Body: "This Is What The Government Told Gizmodo About Osama Bin Laden’s Body
Months ago, I asked the Pentagon for its visual records of Osama bin Laden's sea burial under the Freedom of Information Act. Today, I received a thick packet of No— a complete denial that any records exist. Read it."

...Okay, so let's get a couple things straight here before I go off on an abusive tear:
1. No matter how you slice it, dice, or spin it, Osama Bin-Laden was one of the biggest douchebags in human history. He obviously had the means and opportunity as well as the connections, charisma, and talent to affect change in a positive manner-instead he choose to murder-and promote murder as a tool.
2.I know that alot of my readers assume I am some sort of a knee-jerk liberal, hippie, pacifist. I am not. I believe in in practicing non-violence. I believe in self-sufficiency to the point that, even if it impoverishes your nation, you don't deserve to survive as a 'Great Power' if you have to resort to imperial means just to sustain yourself. No nation as diverse and powerful as the U.S.A. should  have  to act in an imperial manner just to keep the lights on.
3. I believe that the mostly white ruling class in America has gotten fat, lazy, and pathetic to the point that they don't believe in actually leading, just bitching about what a lack of leadership has done to ruin things.
4.I also believe in popping a cap in the ass of any motherfucker who openly seeks to avoid rational solutions to problems as an excuse to just satisfy bloodlust. If you think you can provoke a gunfight with America-for any reason-you just want to see blood shed for your own satisfaction.
It is, as they say, a zero-sum game. The U.S. is Wyatt Fucking Earp and the rest of the world is a drunk, retarded kid with a b.b. gun laboring under the delusion that they are tough.
We rigged the game that way.
Except for Finland.
Nobody in their right mind fucks with Finland.

Abusive Tear:
   Anyone who knows thing one about Islam knows that just the banking system we (and most other developed countries) foist upon the World can be seen as odious and usurious to any Islamic nation or group.
   Hypothetically you could argue that the 'rage' (really just megalomania) that 'drove' Bin-Laden to murder was based on a sense of injustice born of his faith. Frankly, if taken in the abstract and only judging him based upon the reasons for countless revolutions over the millenia-including the American Revolution, a sympathetic person might think it was okay for OBL to wreak the havoc he caused....I have a different take on him.
   He may have started as an idealist, but eventually his birth into wealth an privilege just made him another rich douchebag with a 'grudge' that he used to warp minds and kill for his own pleasure and love of power. In short? He was just a fluffy white cat away from being a James Bond villain.
And he got his ass capped like one.
I hate to think of killing as an answer, but, he earned the the $0.46 (avg. cost) for the 2 -9mm rounds (probably, could have been .45ACP, .380ACP etc...) that turned his grey matter into liquid.
He was just a fucking murderous piece of shit.
A serial killer.
    As much as I believe in many conspiracy theories, as much as I doubt the 'official' story behind 9/11 (though my conclusion is less conspiratorial and more pragmatic and money-based), I believe the official story about OBL's death. He hid in plain sight, someone got paid-off to rat him out, SEAL Team 6 killed him.
Done and dusted.
He was a smart enough, educated enough fucker that I would have reveled in the thought of him locked in solitary til his dying day with nothing to read but letters from the families of his victims, but him dead =The World is a Better Place.
He wasn't any better than Charles Manson.
That being said?
This story is completely fucked and wrong.
People need to go to prison for this.
As far as I am concerned, this is the same as a member of the Armed Forces perjuring them self in front of Congress.
This is only going to advance the myth, the conspiracies.
It is bullshit.
Any service-person invloved in this sham should be stripped of rank and benefits and subject to prosecution.
It is disgusting.
Merry Christmas.
You get the government you tolerate.

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Merely Wires and Lights in a Box. And, We Have Gotten Used to It

And, We Have Gotten Used to It: "I am reminded of the finest speech I ever heard on the subject of television journalism. It was given by Ed Murrow in 1958.

Murrow said, "This instrument can teach, it can illuminate; yes, and it can even inspire. But, it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to use it to those ends ... otherwise, it is merely wires and lights in a box.""

   Dan Rather on ethics and journalism, the importance of journalism, and the shams that have been rammed down our throats for over a decade.
Click the link, read the whole thing. It is important. Not just to the World, the U.S. or to you, but to your kids. It is part of the legacy we pass on.
   I don't claim to be a journalist, or even a pundit, just a concerned, responsible citizen (and total prick) who wants to see evil punished, good rewarded, and stupid exposed....(and thinks he knows everything)
  I am posting this because there is no one out there who can say they know better than a guy like Dan Rather. No one. Not you, not me, nobody.
   If you are under the age of 40 then you have little or no concept of what network journalism is-and the bad-guys like it that way. It used to be that a major network anchor or reporter was a revered figure in society-and I mean revered. They were part of the face our nation showed to the World-with pride-constantly proving that despite missteps, political scandal, corruption, and wrongdoing, that, as a nation, we had our collective heads on straight. We proved this every night at 6:30pm when we sat down to watch the news because we had heroic figures that that risked their lives, reputations, and careers just to give us a good look at the World.A good look not only at the larger world, but at ourselves, our country, and the actions our elected officials took in our name.
Watching the nightly news used to be a form of national service.
   I know that normally I can be pretty vicious about many matters, but this...this is something that requires positive reinforcement and an education in pride: It is not shameful to err. Electing the wrong people, working for the wrong company, doing the wrong thing once or twice doesn't make you, your nation, or your fellow citizens bad. Blindly and ignorantly turning away from the truth because you are too much of a pussy to face facts is what makes you a bad person. Not doing the right thing because it isn't the right thing for you makes you a bad person.
   Never forget that just because you don't think that one president or leader isn't a bad person doesn't mean they won't inadvertently set the stage for the next evil tyrant. Even more than threat of violence against one's government, the threat of exposing and not tolerating bad acts is the thing those that would seek to destroy or enslave us fear.
  If you forget that, or choose not to believe it you are part of the problem-just like anyone who was 'just following orders'. You are no different.
I make no claim whatsoever to be a scholar of any sort. One of my friends posted this on Facebook 2 days ago-and though he and I have wildly different views on certain aspects of politics, he is a truly excellent person and extraordinarily sharp, educated, and well, read.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” Søren Kierkegaard

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Monday, November 14, 2011

Penn State, my final loss of faith - Guest Voices - The Washington Post

  I think this kid speaks for a great many of us-far too many for my personal taste. But once the Reaganites got their mits on our system and turned it into a personal mint for the more fortunate this was bound to happen. I certainly hope this man goes into politics. I have watched my parents' generation be hypocritical beyond belief and it makes me so sick that I won't go anywhere near politics.

Penn State, my final loss of faith - Guest Voices - The Washington Post: "Posted at 06:58 PM ET, 11/11/2011
Penn State, my final loss of faith
By Thomas L. Day
I’m 31, an Iraq war veteran, a Penn State graduate, a Catholic, a native of State College, acquaintance of Jerry Sandusky’s, and a product of his Second Mile foundation .

And I have fully lost faith in the leadership of my parents’ generation.

I was never harmed by Sandusky, but I could have been. When I was 15, my mother, then looking for a little direction for her teenage son, introduced me to the Second Mile’s Friend Fitness program. It was a program resembling Big Brother, Big Sister with a weekly exercise regimen."

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011


In response to Denver Mayor Michael Hancock’s insistence that Occupy Denver choose leadership to deal with City and State officials, and drawing inspiration from the notion that corporations are people, Occupy Denver’s General Assembly has elected a leader: Shelby, a three year old Border Collie."

There you have. The first decent response to "Citizens United". I am a big fan of border collies. Smart. Quick on their feet and obedient. Much like a good CEO-only border collies are much cuter, cuddlier, and have a better head for business than the average executive.
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Monday, November 7, 2011

New Bill In Congress Could Turn Alternative Media Outlets and YouTube Singers Into Felons | | AlterNet

New Bill In Congress Could Turn Alternative Media Outlets and YouTube Singers Into Felons | | AlterNet: "New Bill In Congress Could Turn Alternative Media Outlets and YouTube Singers Into Felons
SB 978 is just one more bullet in a broader government effort to end the web as we know it.
October 31, 2011 |

In June, Senator Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., introduced SB 978, specifically “to amend the criminal penalty provision for criminal infringement of a copyright, and for other purposes.”

In lay terms, it’s the “illegal streaming bill,” and it would essentially make the streaming of any copyrighted material on the Internet a felony punishable by up to five years in prison."

   This goes hand in hand with my previous post about the Wealthy Elite. Not that they are connected in any conspiratorial kind of way-or that it is dead-bang for certain that there are Evil Puppetmasters out there trying to  turn all of our brains into giant bio-batteries for the Machine-World to grow fat upon.  But I am saying that we are setting ourselves up for a shit-storm of trouble just by eroding  any sort of freedom "in the name of..."-what? Making sure everybody get fucked because people are stealing?
We do that all the time-all sorts of government regulations impede the ability of honest people to do business to ensure the Bad Guys don't take advantage of us. Sometimes those are good regulations-even when they suck. Look at Glass-Stegall. Kept alot of people from making a few honest bucks. Kept a  few  from gambling away the future of the World's economy. We took it away and it took them less than a decade to cornhole all of us into next week (or 2018 as it now seems) without having the common decency of giving us a reach-around.
   What Glass-Steagall didn't do (at least near as I can tell) was insure that if a nefarious, evil freak manages to lie his way into the White House that this (along with various other measures passed by slightly less nefarious freaks) could seriously tip the balance of power in the country OUT of the hands of the public and into the hands of....well, nefarious freaks. Silencing  1st Amendment freedoms does just that. Giving the private sector the power to get the Government to fuck the little guy on their behalf for expressing himself is a series of unfortunate events waiting to happen.
Oh, wait, that phrase wasn't copyrighted was it?
Think about it.
Do want to live in that America?

......And now a word to the entertainment business. You often suck and too many of your executives look at their personal and IRS bottom lines before their business. Who the fuck do you think buys the (mostly) crap you ram down peoples' throats? Middle class consumers. If the rich people keep fucking them without leaving a twenty on the nightstand afterwards, eventually they are just gonna go mooch of the library's wifi and torrent all your shit because they have no money to buy it.
 Ever heard of  Garage Band-or Pro Tools?
Or a local recording studio?
Or Internets radio?
Record companies can be started for free now.
You can shoot HD on a cell phone and edit it on YouTube.
You don't matter anymore-unless you make good content. It would help if you spent some time developing artists too, less upfront costs having to find "the NEXT (fill in the balnk)!" every 15 minutes and more time making things people think are worth money. There is ZERO shortage of talent, drive, and ambition. There is HUGE lack of vision and clarity in the upper echelons...and because of that I can't express myself freely?
Fuck the"illegal streaming bill"!
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Saturday, November 5, 2011

UPDATE: The Vexatious Monkey - Edit post

Blogger: The Vexatious Monkey - Edit post:
Dear politicians and So-Called Journalists,
Thank you very much for creating a panic around the so-called 'stalled' recovery just so you can make money and get people to watch your tv shows and read your newspapers. So-called jobless recovery? Recoveryless recovery? Weak job growth and GDP growth? Well, the economy STILL grew didn't it? If barely faster than the rate of population growth-it still grew faster. We can't have a corporate-based measure of growth forever can we? What happens when the world population begins to drop at mid-century?
Corporate profits are at an all time high, housing prices in some large markets are actually starting to recover. Rental properties are at almost pre-crash levels of occupancy, rental cars are 3 times more expensive for the cheapest ones as they were 1 year ago, airlines and hotels are full ... And you want me to listen to the same fucking morons and stupid corrupt so desperate for attention assholes who helped cause of this problem to begin with? Why should we listen to them?
There was a panic, a panic, a panic! It wasn't just the banking crisis, it wasn't just the housing crash or all the bullshit corrupt fucking paper being shuffled around, the panic crashed the economy. It was all the assholes trying to get attention to make money off there so called fucking expert, freak people the fuck out, money grubbing opinion corporate media whores.
Those people panicked the public. That panic crashed everything.
And now they are repeating the whole fucking thing over again in Europe-and you ass-jackals are running along behind them picking up the crumbs. I am no historian, but this seems to remind me of 1932 all over again-so ten years of banks siphoning tangible wealth out of Nation-States and their people then World War III?
Ummm, yeah. Don't think you're gonna sneak that one past Occupy. You can try, but it's getting closer to the election and no matter how much you pay for your politicians, they will drop you like a hot rock if they think their jobs are going away.
Sleep tight, happy Sunday assholes! Thanks!

I originally published on the 9th of July this will be the second update: Just a brief "I told you so"-just so we understand what an ass I am. And how pissed off I am-except now there are tens of thousands of us in the street being pissed-off.
Guess what? Unemployment is down, job numbers from the previous two months have been revised up and of course everyone is terrified about how the World's largest economy, an economy so vastly, enormously, hugely out of proportion to any other that the slightest hiccup in it's well-oiled mechanism could send the entire economy of the Western Spiral Arm of the Galaxy spiraling down a wormhole into nothingness may just be needing to borrow more fake paper money that has no actual value.....
Of course I am talking about Greece silly! Everybody knows they are trying to destroy the World Economy.....
I know. You think I am full of crap.
Wait 'til about February. They'll blame it all on the Black Guy while they are dropping their hoods off at Limbaugh's house for cleaning. And then they'll try to steal another election and give it to nitwit they can control.
Bite me.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

It’s not a conspiracy! Elite controls global economy — RT

It’s not a conspiracy! Elite controls global economy — RT: "
A man dressed as an "evil banker" stands outside Saint Paul's Cathedral in central London as protestors gather on October 15, 2011 (AFP Photo / Leon Neal)

Occupy Wall Street
TAGS: SciTech, Politics, Globalization, Global economy
Bankers really do control the world! That’s according to Swiss researchers who, in an exhaustive scientific study, mapped out a blueprint showing the real architects of global economic power.
From freemasons to the Council on Foreign Relations to Bilderberg, the belief that secretive groups control the world’s economic and political system are quite possibly as old as human civilization itself.
But while Occupy Wall Street protestors may be slightly exaggerating in calling themselves the 99 per cent, a recent study conducted by the Swiss Institute of Technology in Zurich shows that they aren’t too far off the mark. "

'via Blog this' " Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?"......ummm, uhhh, yeah, it isn't a conspiracy, now there is scientific evidence they control things. Duh. Money is power. Not who HAS the money, it is who CONTROLS the money. If a government needs a central bank it cedes sovereignty to the central bank.

....And Now The City of Oakland is Trying to Kill War Heroes

    Also taken from Move On, this makes the NYPD's Anthony Bologna look like Mother Fucking Theresa. I am a supporter of Law Enforcement. The pieces of garbage in Oakland running around dressed as cops are almost as bad as their mayor. All of the good officers, the decent, law-abiding, respectful officers in Oakland need to stand up for yourselves and your community.
Make us proud where we are now disgusted.
Find the coward who lobbed a flash-bang at people trying help a wounded war hero and drum him out.
"Scott Olsen, a protester who’s done two tours of duty in Iraq and is now involved in Veterans For Peace, was critically wounded during an Oakland police raid by police projectiles. When people tried to help him, an officer lobbed a flash bang grenade right into their group. Olsen is currently hospitalized with serious injuries and is reported to be in critical condition."

Where are Your Taxes Really Going?

......Okay, quite disturbing,  and worthy or mental note and further study. Yes, Move On is a liberal group funded by a foreign billionaire-sort of the  Bizzarro Fox News-but, I don't see this a liberal or conservative issue. Conservatives hate welfare and liberals hate corporate welfare.
Everybody hates extortion.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

An Open Letter to the Unwitting Tools-and Yes You Really are a Bunch of Tools...

Dear politicians and So-Called Journalists,
  Thank you very much for creating a panic around the so-called 'stalled'  recovery just so you can make money and get people to watch your tv shows and read your newspapers.  So-called jobless recovery? Recoveryless recovery? Weak job growth and GDP growth? Well, the economy STILL grew didn't it? If barely faster than the rate of population growth-it still grew faster. We can't have a corporate-based measure of growth forever can we? What happens when the world population begins to drop at mid-century?
   Corporate profits are at an all time high, housing prices in some large markets are actually starting to recover. Rental properties are at almost pre-crash levels of occupancy, rental cars are 3 times more expensive for the cheapest ones as they were 1 year ago, airlines and hotels are full ... And you want me to listen to the same fucking morons and stupid corrupt so desperate for attention assholes who helped cause of this problem to begin with? Why should we listen to them?
   There was a panic, a panic, a panic! It wasn't just the banking crisis, it wasn't just the housing crash or all the bullshit corrupt fucking paper being shuffled around, the panic crashed the economy. It was all the assholes trying to get attention to make money off there so called fucking expert, freak people the fuck out, money grubbing opinion corporate media whores.
Those  people panicked the public. That panic crashed everything.
  And now they are repeating the whole fucking thing over again in Europe-and you ass-jackals are running along behind them picking up the crumbs. I am no historian, but this seems to remind me of 1932 all over again-so ten years of banks siphoning tangible wealth out of Nation-States and their people then World War III?
    Ummm, yeah. Don't think you're gonna sneak that one past Occupy. You can try, but it's getting closer to the election and no matter how much you pay for your politicians, they will drop you like a hot rock if they think their jobs are going away.
Sleep tight, happy Sunday assholes! Thanks!
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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

If a Picture Paints a Thousand Words, a Film Paints a Million.....

Watch, listen, and learn. Chris Hedges ain't no lightweight-nor is he fucking around. He is an expert in these matters. He has been studying and reporting on them for 20 years.

Abuse and the 99%

.”..So, there is this sort of never- ending thought that goes through my head, this mobius strip of subsoncious yammering that just makes me want to lay down and take a fucking nap all the time. ......”
   It is that constant voice from your childhood. The voice of your parents or wolves or whomever what raised you up to be a person of a wolf. That voice that tells you always: "you are loved", "you are smart", "you are pretty", "You are a winner", "you are the greatest", "you are a loser", "you are a victim", "you are loved conditionally"....or "you are controlled", "you are a piece of shit".
  You can use your pathetic little monkey brain to either accept or reject reality. In the case of how your parents raise you, how they raise you, how they lead you dictates how you feel about yourself, whether or not you know it, or believe it to be true or not. What they say goes-and grows into your grownup brain. That is why you need to be loved unconditionally, that is why you need consistency and discipline. That is why maybe you looked up to your coaches and teachers more than your parents.

   If your little voice is always telling you you are a piece of shit and you are always making bad decisions because of it. It 's not your fault.

   That is the  thing that sucks about this is that it isn't your fault. It is the fault of whoever made you that way-and just a Jeffrey Dhamer knew what he was doing, often times the people who are at fault for making you feel like shit and act worse knew what they were doing. They were exerting power for their own pleasure.
It is their fault. The blame lies with them.
Unfortunately the responsibility lies with you.
You pay the consequences-and unless you can document, in detail, how they are responsible and sue them, or have them arrested, you only have one recourse: Take responsibility for your life and don't allow them quarter or forgiveness unless they earn it.

   Nobody said life was fair, nobody ever promised Easy Street. Some get lucky, some are average, and some just get the shaft-and it makes no difference what race or class or religion.
   Empathy and compassion need to be extended first to the victims of psychological abuse-and by that I don’t mean just the ones who weren’t ever touched by their abusers, I mean all of the ones who never could show proof.
  What is worse than getting hurt, bullied, belittled, abused, raped, beaten?
Having that happen and no one believes you?  That is the final nail through your heart.
  Love those people first and most, they are the ones who need it most. Those who have suffered longest.
   Those are the people out in the street right now, y’know?
The ones who always thought that their leaders would do the right thing if shown the way. Hoping against hope that the weight of their responsibility would force them to drop the act and face reality.
This runs deeper than greed.
This is how the 99% feel about their ‘leaders’.
They aim to hold them accountable, or walk away from them and let them die alone.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Awesome Marine Takes On 30 Cops In Wallstreet Faceoff 2011

   I really don't think this needs too much explanation. I think the looks on the faces of some of those cops speaks encyclopedias. Kinda hard to argue with this guy....especially when most of these cops are probably also in a union and one of the things the protest is doing, is protecting unions.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Miscellaneous Debris: Thom Hartmann: Proof that Rich people aren't the j...

   Okay morons. Watch the video. Click the link, read his resume, do your own  research into 'his' numbers..they come from actual the government offices that keep statistics. Don't argue with me about-argue with the guy that invented math. And facts. And remember that poor people make your food, care for your loved ones, fix your cars, and are nice to your idiotic asses because you are people just like them and deserve respect just like everyone else. Even  though they think you are greedy, selfish, assholes.

Miscellaneous Debris: Thom Hartmann: Proof that Rich people aren't the j...: " Just so if any of you  don't know who Thom Hartmann is, or why he is qualified to make statements like this read this-the Wikipedia..."

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The next, worse financial crisis Brett Arends' ROI - MarketWatch

The next, worse financial crisis Brett Arends' ROI - MarketWatch: "By Brett Arends, MarketWatch
BOSTON (MarketWatch) — The last financial crisis isn’t over, but we might as well start getting ready for the next one.

Sorry to be gloomy, but there it is.

Why? Here are 10 reasons."

I agree with all those points. Totally. There are (as far as I can tell) no inaccuracies in this article.
The glaring omission is this: This time when the big boys take a bath? Americans are just gonna walk away and say, "Meh?".
All of the things in this article are the same that were said leading up to the giant commercial real estate bubble burst of 2010.
The 'What?' many will say.
'Exactly', I say.
While you and Sarah and many other people may be aware of this-almost nobody else cares and those guys aren't getting a bailout.-Instead, they are having to be creative and generous to potential clients or they lose, fold their corporations and walk away. And trust me, the IRS will punish them, they will be paying taxes on the peak value of their now defunct investments...

One of my friends just got done paying them off for the Tech-Bubble Crash. Even though his company tanked, they made him pay for peak valuation.

The reason I bring this up is that the Doomsayers used EXACTLY the same arguments laid out in this article a year ago predicting the end of the World when the commercial RE bubble burst....yet the economy has steadily grown at a rate nearly matching the same yearly average it has from 1980 to 2008.
Americans have gotten wise.

Many people on both sides see what is going on, and there is a growing realization that the economic crash was largely due to panic.
I talk to people every day about it-alot of people get that WE paniced and crashed the economy.
The panic was bad because a much higher percentage of the population has some stake in the Stock Market-but they see how it has rebounded and fears of a new Tech Bubble have been largely subdued by reality. Some IPOs are great, some not, and alot of startup VC is coming from folks who got killed in Tech Bubble v.1.0, so there is more sober thought going into this round of Venture Capitalism.

I look at Warren Buffet's, and the White House's projections at2012.
Buffet projects unemployment @ %8 and the White House advisors say they don't expect unemployment to be the issue it is now.
My thoughts on that are twofold:
1. The abysmal job numbers this week were due to uncertainty about:

a. Fuel prices

1. fuel price spikes have been acknowledged by the CEOs of

EXXON and Valero to be %30-40 speculation

2. the concerns about yet ANOTHER war

b. The budget ceiling and the retarded game of chicken being

played in Washington.
Obama has been too nice about many things. He didn't drop the regulatory hammer on speculation-he did, however, haul out the giant threat of 'flooding the market with cheap government crude oil' stick and waved it in the faces of the oil companies-which caused an immediate plunge in gas prices....
To put THAT into perspective: every cab driver in America that still drives an old police car for work (like me) just gained $1,000/yr in disposable income-imagine what trucking companies gained.
Just in time for summer driving season-and vacation time.
That extra cash will not be going to the Koch Brothers-it will be going to hotel rooms, ice cream cones, campsites and beaches (private AND public).
AND, as a result of the commercial RE crash:
There are so many new, local businesses that have sprung up just in Phoenix as a result that it is impossible to count. Entrepreneurs are putting commercial rentals in a vice to get their terms right so they can open new places. It is a renaissance in PHX right now...and estimates are we have lost $800million in economic activity because of SB1070.

I am NOT saying that the worst-case scenario won't happen, but I think many Americans over the age of 30 are starting to remember grandma's garden and the corner store. You could probably break the U.S. into 5 or 6 separate countries right now and it would all work its self out pretty quickly.....
Look at Detroit. It is supposed to be a dying city, but if I were 20 again, I would go there in a heartbeat to make my fortune.
I am not saying you shouldn't stockpile canned goods and maybe buy some silver coins, but I don't think Americans will tolerate a double dip recession. We could drop Iraq and Afghanistan like hot rocks right now, save half a trillion, and not have too much to worry about. Look at Vietnam: we 'lost' that war and 40 years later they are trying to be like us-Henry Rollins even broadcast his radio show from a street corner in Saigon last year.
And we have essentially 'won' if Iraq and Afghanistan.
It will be okay. It might get rough, but it will be okay.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Lisa Bloom: Angelina Jolie and the Media Cult of the Absurd

   The article below is both really well written, and quite impressive. I knew Jolie was an activist, but I am now  officially amazed...the Council on Foreign Relations? Really? Wow.
Team? Angie.
   Audry Hepbern and Princes Diana (among others) are dancing in their graves at this article. The sad thing is, the Media doesn't think people are interested.
In the era of declining magazine sales and fragmented TV viewership, don't you think that some established media outlet-or perhaps a new one, would 'capitalize' on this? Think of all of the beautiful celebs out there that NOBODY really knows the cool stuff about. People love to know that the people they admire are worthy of their admiration.
   There is nothing wrong with enjoying being entertained and having outside interests..example:  One of the most constantly engaged and involved people I know, someone who travels the World learning and teaching non-violent strategies was flattered and impressed when Alyssa Milano directly responded to one of her questions about a tweet about beauty secrets...there is nothing wrong with that. It is part of having a well-balanced life...which is IMPERATIVE if you want to stay healthy long enough to make a positive difference in the World.
   As an example of the opposite, I recall an interview with Donald Rumsfield in '04 or '05 where he admitted he hadn't seen more than one or two movies in a decade-how did that career turn out?
     Hugh Heffner made an empire because he not only showed beautiful naked women, but he PAID great writers and and journalists to publish their work in his magazine. My mom was an active feminist. She was a member of NOW, NARAL, and helped establish the first rape-crisis center in our part of my home state. She even got death threats for her involvement and SHE owned a hardback-bound copy of Playboy's Best Fiction and the hands-down best thing I have ever read about PTSD was in GQ.
The Sheep just need to be pointed in a better direction.
Click the link below:

Lisa Bloom: Angelina Jolie and the Media Cult of the Absurd: "While the public laps up this mind-numbing drivel, the real Angelina Jolie forges on. Perhaps you are vaguely aware that she is somehow involved with helping poor people in faraway places. The truth is that she has devoted a huge portion of the last eight years of her life to educating herself and then doing everything within her power to raise consciousness about and directly aid those who Franz Fanon called 'the wretched of the earth.'"

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Guillotine vs. Progressive Taxation

Guillotine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "On 10 October 1789, Doctor Joseph-Ignace Guillotin, a French physician, stood before the National Assembly and proposed the following six articles in favour of the reformation of capital punishment:

ARTICLE 1: All offenses of the same kind will be punished by the same type of punishment irrespective of the rank of status of the guilty party.
ARTICLE 2: Whenever the Law imposes the death penalty, irrespective of the nature of the offense, the punishment shall be the same: decapitation, effected by means of a simple mechanism.
ARTICLE 3: The punishment of the guilty party shall not bring discredit upon or discrimination against his family.
ARTICLE 4: No one shall reproach a citizen with any punishment imposed on one of his relatives. Such offenders shall be publicly reprimanded by a judge.
ARTICLE 5: The condemned person's property shall not be confiscated.
ARTICLE 6: At the request of the family, the corpse of the condemned man shall be returned to them for burial and no reference to the nature of death shall be registered.[2]"

   Don't get me wrong. I neither advocate violence nor progressive taxation. While I don't hold taxes in the same dim light as murder, I thought it might be interesting for the Rich to mull a few things over....
   Both the Guillotine and progressive taxation have one thing in common: They were both popularized as a way to keep rich people in their place. The Guillotine was used to punish the rich who wallowed in avarice while the poor floundered in economic victimhood. Progressive taxes are used to prevent this situation. It has been 200 years since the French decided they would rather eat bread than cake and they are just now beginning to hear from the self-aggrandizing pricks who seem to feel entitled to their privilige at the expense of the rest of society. In America, we enacted progressive taxation as a means to avoid rich folks from taking everything, gutting our economy, and letting everyone else scramble for the scraps...unfortunately we forgot to enact ways of keeping them from buying the politicians who would repeal progressive taxes. The CEOs of both Exxon and Valero have publicly stated that as much as 40% of the cost of gasoline is due to speculation: I drive for a living-that costs me $6,000. If you (a vague, general, hypothetical 'you') tried to come into my house to steal six grand I would fucking shoot you-so would several million other Americans-if their dogs didn't get you first. If the police arrived to arrest you if I had merely held you for them (which is optimal, prison is always better than homicide) alot of cops would ask me why I didn't shoot you.
Still think the French are stupid?

Friday, June 10, 2011

Give Us Our Law Back: Montana Fights Citizens United, Corporate Campaign Spending by Gwen Stowe and Jeff Clements

Hell yes...and from ...Montana? Not what we would think of, huh? Sounds kinda 'Progressive' don't it?
Just goes to show ya, that 'rural' folks aren't unsophisticated. And if you think I am saying this in a haughty, city-folk kinda way? I come from a town of 900 in New England. A town where the old guy that managed the town dump, (and who had an 8th grade education) bitch-slapped some developers who thought they could turn a swamp into a 'Building Waste Landfill' back to Jersey by pointing out that they were gonna dump asbestos into the uphill end of our aquifer.
Citizen power and responsibility isn't socialism, it is citizen power and responsibility.

Give Us Our Law Back: Montana Fights Citizens United, Corporate Campaign Spending by Gwen Stowe and Jeff Clements: "In Montana, corporations claim that the Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. the Federal Election Commission overturned a century-old anti-corruption law. Now state residents are fighting, all over again, to take their democracy back from corporations."

Monday, June 6, 2011

YouTube - Evidence that great white sharks are peaceful creatures

   Weeellllll, I wouldn't say that any 8gazillion ton, perfectly engineered by Mother Nature predator is peaceful, but it does definitely show why it might not be a bad idea to remain calm and NOT panic when you are floating around in the ocean. Rule one of a predator: Never expend any more effort than is absolutely necessary to catch your food.
  You may disagree-which is awesome, I love people who think that the best way to approach all of life is with the assumption of peace and love-but, either way, this is amazing. This woman is incredible. A tad bit of research found a blog post about this incredible woman and her husband. My brain started to hurt just reading about all they have done together-and according to the blogger, what he wrote doesn't even scratch the surface (no pun intended). While reading the blog about them I realized that I had seen the National Geographic issue about the chain-mail shark suit, and probably seen them on TV.
   Hats off to Ms. Taylor and her husband, the amazing work they do, National Geographic and Coast to Coast AM for bringing this to my attention.

YouTube - Evidence that great white sharks are peaceful creatures: ""

Weiner's Cock Picture and Your Pathetic, Pea-Sized Brain.

I haven't seen Anthony Weiner's cock-and neither should you. Not because he shouldn't have sent a picture to a chick he wanted to bang, but because: IT IS NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS YOU FUCKING RETARDS! If any of you think that it is any of your business, or that it actually matters for even one second please rush out to the nearest gun store and purchase something very large and powerful, take it home, put it in your mouth and pull the trigger. The world is DONE with people like you. Your idiocy is literally destroying this planet and everything on it.
   I am a grownup. I think about grownup things from time to time. Like nuclear terrorism, the erosion of civil liberties, how the hell we are going to feed 12 billion people because we are too fucking stupid and lazy to put a piece of plastic on our genitals. I am a grownup and a single man-I think about sex a lot too, if I a grown woman I am attracted to wants to send me a picture of her va-jay-jay that would be just fine and dandy with me. I would enjoy it. I sometimes look at pictures of naked women for my own personal enjoyment-and ya know what? Sometimes I look at porn too. You know why? Because I am human, a grownup, and I love having sex with women. Hot, dirty,nasty, sweaty, porno sex. Sweet, loving, sensual sex.  'Hey I'm bored, wanna fool around?' sex.
And so do you. It is one of the things we do....apparently not often enough either, by the looks of it.
If a woman who I was attracted to wants to send me a picture of her privates then so be it. I welcome it. You know what I won't do? SHARE IT WITH THE FUCKING WORLD TO EMBARRASS HER! Ya know why?

Yep. because I am a grownup. And I have better things to do-and SO DO YOU ASSHOLE!

   Weiner  is only pissing away a wonderful career if you IDIOTS push it in that direction. Ted Kennedy committed murder and had a wonderful career. 
   What everyone is trying to say with this colossal moronity, is that in a nation where we are currently engaged in a massive civil rights battle over the sexuality of people who used to be considered 'abnormal', a perfectly normal, heterosexual act is now ruining a man's life? How intelligent does that make any of you? %90 of the gay men that read this have cock pictures on their phone-and I bet at least half of the women do too.This is only an issue because he pisses off Republicans and they aren't used to encountering anyone other Bernie Sanders or Dennis Kucinich with a testicle larger than a fucking  grape....and they are not just turning this back on the Dems., they are tricking the Dems. into turning it back on themselves! What a bunch of weak pathetic pieces of garbage you people are being. You should be going after the bitch that leaked this photo with torches and pitchforks, but instead, you sit at home diddling yourselves to the cock pics on your iphone.
Don't tell me you aren't.
You just gotta keep shooting yourselves in the foot, don't ya?
Got hypocrisy America?

   This is exactly why we are $14trillion in debt, bogged down in endless war, financially enslaved to people who who may or may not want to see us destroyed and/or enslaved, and left wondering why we have such deep, empty caverns in our souls. Caverns we fill up with Snookis and Real Housewives and shitty music and cheap, sweatshop produced 'goods' that suck the life out of our country and the money from our wallets.
For FUCK'S sake, what the hell is wrong with you people?

Friday, June 3, 2011

Time Magazine and Their Disgusting Osama Bin-Laden Cover....

   Now that much of the excitement, flush of relief, and initial controversy (including the mandatory conspiracy theories) surrounding the death of Osama Bin-Laden has died down, I would like to make some observations. 
   Yes, opinions are like assholes-and I can be an asshole, but I have some things to say about the matter and some related matters that I have yet to hear anybody speak about. 
   I am not saying I am the only person to bring this up. I am certain (-and hopeful) that in the analysis of this enormous event other people have mentioned the things I am going to mention. My concern is that I haven't heard  these things said yet and I think they are things that should be a more important part of the conversation. 
   To point up just why I think I have solid ground (or soap box) to stand on, let me give you my background on the subject of the killing of Bin-Laden....

   I was born a news junkie, into a family of highly educated news junkies. I was brought up to love my country to death even after excoriating her for her flaws-flaws which usually are the result of bad human behavior from my own fellow Americans. In another life I would have been an intel analyst, one of the minor support character-types in a Tom Clancy novel-and because I would have loved it so much, I would have fucking excelled at it. I read fast, I learn fast, and I can keep a ton of raw info bouncing around my brain and call it up on little notice.
    On the morning of 9/11 I was awakened by my girlfriend violently shaking me to consciousness on the couch. When I first opened my eyes I looked at her sitting rigid and tensely puffing on a cigarette. She looked sidelong at me and and pointed at the TV. I turned my eyes just in time to see the second plane hit. The first two things that went through my head were "wow! Thank God it wasn't a nuke..." and "Osama Bin-Laden". I was shocked, but not all that surprised. I knew who Bin-Laden was long before 9/11. He was first indicted in the US on June 8th, 1998 and placed on the FBI's Most Wanted list 364 days later. I had seen his face on the wall in Post Offices many times.

   I didn't lose anyone on 9/11, but it ruined my life financially-something from which I am just now, a decade later, starting to recover from. That being said, before I go any further, let me be clear, I hold Osama Bin-Laden personally responsible for his part in that. I know it is a selfish thing to say, but in addition to the evil he did, he harmed me and millions of others in more subtle ways. That is my bias. The man was scum. Period.

   I have to say I can see the point made by people whose belief is in non-violence and less use of kinetic warfare as a foreign policy tool. I can also see how people could interpret the killing of Bin-Laden as being on shakey legal and moral grounds. I don't agree, but I see their point I love them for their ability to not act on their more basic instincts. If there can be an argument made that it was a violation of the law then it should be followed though to it's conclusion-which, if it went to a trial would undoubtedly lead to a jury to find anyone charged as not guilty.

   Based on my education and experience, I don't think Bin-Laden qualified as a human being. I know the law sees it otherwise, but I don't believe there would have been any other way to handle him that would have caused less problems than this chosen course will. 
He was an animal walking around in a human skin-suit. 
I think he liked the power of taking life just the way serial killer does. 
Given his obvious intelligence, charisma, and leadership skills, if he had been more Gandhi and less Che Guevara, he might have had an influence over events that yielded net-positive results-especially considering his wealth and connections. 
Instead, he chose evil. 
True, ego-driven, megalomaniacal evil. 
He chose terror. He chose to strike fear into his enemies and even considered other Muslims, women, and children as enemies leaving scars on more than one nation, more than one age group, and more than one nationality. 
   One of my friends pointed out something while watching the kids in Georgetown climbing the rafters screaming 'VICTORY!': SEAL Team 6 killed the physical manifestation of the monster under the bed for just about any American under the age of 25. Not showing  pictures of his dead body takes away the power he could have extended from beyond the grave-and I am sure he figured we would parade the pictures around like we did with the bodies of Hussein & Sons thereby extending his power from beyond the grave.
   Not long after the killing of Bin-Laden, Time magazine put out a special edition commemorating the death of Bin-Laden. Perhaps they felt it was their duty-and perhaps it was, but the execution of this 'duty' is one of the most horrendously tasteless things I have ever seen in the mainstream press.

   The Time cover (and I am sure they are aware of this) shows him not as a person but as a disembodied, floating head, with a red 'X' spray painted across his face like a thug whacked by other thugs. It elevates him and lowers the people involved in the decision and  the raid and paints a picture that this is a game, that, as a nation, we are just childish in our approach to this. I am quite certain that the good folks whose boots are on the ground don't see it that way. I am equally sure those who lost their loved ones -or their ability to walk, or speak, or think clearly don't see it as a game either. They saw it as a deadly serious duty to their nation and the World. If they want to put up a picture and X-out OBL's face, then so be it,  they did all the work-all of it. Not the people at Time, not all the people who never watched the news, or failed to donate even a few meager cents to the USO or some other organization. I sure as shit had no part in it. This entire nation didn't mobilize and volunteer and insist on implementing a draft to flood foreign lands with millions of our soldiers to create a secure environment for the men and women out hunting the terrorists. No, we just reaped the benefits of their work-and then a bunch of folks ran around pounding their chests like monkeys as if they actually accomplished something. I don't want to diminish any sense of national pride in the folks that actually did the work, but this Time magazine cover is akin to some worthless gangbanger crossing out the tag of a rival he aims to kill-and most of those guys are either psychopaths or pussies. 
Neither are a label I want slapped on my country or my countrymen. I am ashamed that this cover may paint that picture of our troops. I have known a whole lot of men who have killed in combat-it was not a game to them.

   Time Magazine is was part of the face we give to the World as ours. After this disgusting display? I am not reading Time anymore-or at least until they find some way to redeem themselves.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Gone to Sleep in Dress Blues....

America’s Wars Total (1775 -1991)
U.S. Military Service during Wartime 41,892,128
Battle Deaths 651,031
Other Deaths (In Theater) 308,800
Other Deaths in Service (Non-Theater)230,254
Non-mortal Woundings 1,431,290
Living War Veterans 16,962,000
Living Veterans (Periods of War & Peace) 22,795,00

Global War on Terror: Oct 7th,, 2001-May 23rd.,2011
Total Deaths 6,014

This numbers do not include suicides by active duty military personnel.

"'s just the stupidest thing....." Lt. Col. J.H. ret.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Miscellaneous Debris

Miscellaneous Debris: "A Psychopath Walks Into A Room. Can You Tell? : NPR
A Psychopath Walks Into A Room. Can You Tell? : NPR:
'Some psychologists have a theory that many of the world's ills can be blamed on psychopaths in high places.

'Robert Hare, the eminent Canadian psychologist who invented the psychopath checklist, ... recently announced that you're four times more likely to find a psychopath at the top of the corporate ladder than you are walking around in the janitor's office,' journalist Jon Ronson tells Guy Raz, host of weekends on All Things Considered.'

This has long been a subject of curiosity for me. I have long-held personal beliefs that this article seems to reinforce. If you think about it, and do the math, it all starts to make a little more sense when applied to the Big Picture and it makes a lot of unexplainable things much easier to understand.
If the estimate is that 1% of the population operates entirely without, guilt, conscious, remorse, or empathy and then multiply that by 7 billion you get 70 million. Think about that number and then think of what someone who cared only for them selve might try to get away with. Wouldn't they be attracted to the areas of greatest possibility for personal gain and satisfaction? When you put that in the context the Big Picture gets a lot more clear, a lot more simple, and alot darker.

   Popular Progressive Radio host Thom Hartmann has been talking about this for years-he is, in fact, the person who first put words to the ideas rattling around in my head. Thom uses the broader term of 'sociopath' which is often lumped into the same category with 'psycopath' and both, in medical terms, are then under the umbrella of 'anti-social personality disorder' and often considers many of the World's ills attributable to this disorder. Although far from being as experienced and credentialed as Mr. Hartmann, I concur. If you learn just a little about this, and then apply that knowledge just to your little corner of the planet alot of things start to pop out. Not to say that we can all just magically start diagnosing people on the spot, but some basic knowledge could do quite a bit to help us all steer clear of certain types of behaviors we see in those around us..
   One of the most complicated ideas behind this theory of the effect of these people on society is potential solutions or how to mitigate their effects on the general population. There is always the question of how to handle this. Personally, I feel the two best Pop-Culture takes on this are this episode of Star Trek and the film Blade Runner. Especially in Blade Runner where the suspected Replicants are made to undergo a test to measure empathy (something lacking in psychopaths) we can see the complexities of how to deal with people with the problem of psychopathy. Are we to test everybody and then round up the 'sick' ones for imprisonment, or extermination (called 'retirement' in Blade Runner). Technically people with severe Anti-Social Personality Disorder are still human even if they lack our most human of traits, but if the theories about their effect on society prove true what are supposed to do with them? And, if we start singling them out for specific persecution can they then not begin to self-identify and demand civil rights as a group?
  Well, it is Thursday, your brain should be warmed up by now-and I did start you off with cute beagle-puppy videos, so, put this one in the old mental martini shaker and give it a go.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Volkswagen’s $600 car gets 258 mpg - National Trendy Living |

Volkswagen’s $600 car gets 258 mpg - National Trendy Living |

"This $600 car is no toy and is ready to be released in China next year.

The single seater aero car totes VW (Volkswagen) branding.

Volkswagen did a lot of very highly protected testing of this car in Germany, but it was not announced until now where the car would make it's first appearance."

Monday, May 23, 2011

Dipshittery Destroys Yet Another Part of America

   This is utterly mind-boggling. I have often labored under the impression that newspapers-being the amalgamators, analyzers, and distributors of pertinent information-would be some of the first industries to notice potential trends. Or complete and utter up-endings of reality.
Apparently not.
Not even close.
   You would think that any industry whose primary job was to keep people informed and cast a critical eye on the surrounding world might notice the gigantic double-decker freight train hurtling out of control towards them at warp 11.
Apparently not.
Not even close.
   A Google search using the term “newspaper articles about the failure of the us auto industry” yielded 2,200,000 results. Not at all surprising. I am certain that a fair number of those articles were opinion pieces excoriating the past and present leaders in Detroit for not only willful blindness, but incompetence and well, moronity.
   A Google search using the term “newspaper articles about the failure of the us NEWSPAPER industry” yielded over 15,000,000 results. Apparently no one in the newspaper industry reads newspapers. Either that or they do and scoff at what a ‘rags’ are being printed these days and go back to reading the Weekly World News.
   Perhaps now I should explain myself. And my attitude. Which is probably only going to get more foul with each passing line of this post. An hour or so ago I read a tweet from renowned science-fiction author William Gibson (@greatdismal) with a link to this story . My initial response was, “wow, it only took 10 years to come up with a solution to a problem of that magnitude?”.
(insert sarcasm emoticon here)
   A brief amount of research later I discovered that my sarcasm was misplaced so I replaced it with utter disbelief and contempt. My quick Internet search informed me that the problem wasn’t 10 years old. It was 31 years old. The first 11 newspapers to go online were in July, 1981. Yes 1981.  So all of this controversy and exultations of tragedy at the loss of a great American tradition with the sudden onslaught  of free Internet news in the last few years is not a new problem. Not even close. Not even in the same star system . I have sat and watched, listened, or read countless stories in the last few years about how all the newspapers are just dying off. Stories about how they were-as an entire industry-caught with their pants down and crushed beneath the sudden Goliath of free. Stories about how thousands have lost their jobs. About how towns and cities across the land have suddenly been stripped of their primary sources of local information and a opinion-and part of their identity. Tragic? Absolutely. The loss of jobs and a portion of the social fabric of a community -even a whole country is a sad thing to see. But it goes a little further than that. Newspapers large and small, our Free Press, are a fundamental function of our nation and our liberty. The fact that they are being swept away en-masse is not only sad, but dangerous.
And it seems like they had a bit of time to prepare.
And didn’t.
I guess the Fat Cats in Detroit aren’t the only multi-generational organization of dipshits screwing up this country and it’s economy.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sophomore Threatened with Rape for Criticisms of Michele Bachmann

Sophomore Threatened with Rape for Criticisms of Michele Bachmann:

"“A lot of them are calling me a whore,” Myers said of anonymous. Amy and her father said the comments from conservative websites alarmed them most. Some commenters threatened to publish her home address. Others threatened violence. Some threatened rape."

  Okay, so, I understand if you want to pick on an adult, adults are thick-skinned and usually understand that such language can be considered a felony in some states. But what kind of dipshit fuckwad threatens to rape a little girl for making well thought out, articulate critical comments of an elected official? That is what this country is about. Consideration and debate instead of brute force, idiocy, and violence as a means to resolve political issues. I personally do not agree with Ms. Bachman or her supporters, but I don't advocate raping them to get my way. Of course whoever threatened her probably could get their tiny little dick up long enough to penetrate their sister.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Welcome to the New State of Baja,Arizona if Liberals have their way | Newsnet 14

Welcome to the New State of Baja,Arizona if Liberals have their way | Newsnet 14: "- A long-simmering movement by liberal stalwarts in southern Arizona to break away from the rest of the largely conservative state is at a boiling point as secession backers press to bring their long shot ambition to the forefront of Arizona politics.

A group of lawyers from the Democratic stronghold of Tucson and surrounding Pima County have launched a petition drive seeking support for a November 2012 ballot question on whether the 48th state should be divided in two."

   Utterly retarded Governorship, utter disregard for the quality of public education, blatantly racist public policy, wasteful and disastrous urban planning...the list goes on and on. What used to be a conservative state where conservatism was largely a 'mind your own business' value, and cultural heritage and local businesses were what it was all about has become an epic sprawl of greed, apathy, and fat white people staying at home watching reality TV while Hoovering up vast quantities of high-carbohydrate snacks whilst clogging the raods with giant SUVs they don't need.
Not all that shocking. I'd support it.

ThinkProgress » The Contango Game: How Koch Industries Manipulates The Oil Market For Profit

ThinkProgress » The Contango Game: How Koch Industries Manipulates The Oil Market For Profit:

"In recent weeks, gas prices around the country have surged to levels unseen since the 2008 oil spike. However, market fundamentals are not driving the nearly $4.00/gallon gas prices. In fact, under the Obama administration, oil production is at record highs and there is adequate global supply of crude. As Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) commissioner Bart Chilton has explained, rampant oil speculation, which is at its highest level on record right now, is to blame for current prices."

  Look at the numbers, it it market manipulation in a time of war to increase profit. It is treason. Fuel is one of the single greatest expenditures for the US military. By Manipulating prices, the Koch Brothers are fucking the U.S military.

The Kochs are Fucking us All

What Is The Internet Hiding? | MoveOn.Org

What Is The Internet Hiding? | MoveOn.Org
"Short answer: Way more than you think. Our own Eli Pariser laid it all out in this eye-opening TED talk, and got a standing ovation for his trouble. His book on the topic, The Filter Bubble: What the Internet is Hiding from You, is out this week — help make it a hit here."

Awareness, mindfulness, action, lifestyle, integrity. The price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance. This talk was given with Bill Gates and top executive from Google in the room. I understand it was given a standing ovation. There is no way to escape or defeat bullshit without naming it and confronting it. This does NOT mean you have to been rude, mean, or disrespectful. Honesty, manners, and compassion are often the best tools for rebellion.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Charges Against the N.S.A.’s Thomas Drake : The New Yorker

Charges Against the N.S.A.’s Thomas Drake : The New Yorker

"The aim of this scheme, the indictment says, was to leak government secrets to an unnamed newspaper reporter, who is identifiable as Siobhan Gorman, of the Baltimore Sun. Gorman wrote a prize-winning series of articles for the Sun about financial waste, bureaucratic dysfunction, and dubious legal practices in N.S.A. counterterrorism programs. Drake is also charged with obstructing justice and lying to federal law-enforcement agents. If he is convicted on all counts, he could receive a prison term of thirty-five years."

Read more

   Very interesting when you compare this story to all of the 'whacko' conspiracy theories out there huh? It is getting to the point where the insiders are actually starting to sound the alarm and people are still laboring under the whole "it can't happen here, this is America!" concept. One of life's harsh realities is that the moment you say 'it can't happen here' you guarantee that it will. I am not professing that Presidents Bush or Obama are evil men bent on enslaving the Earth, but the naivety is utterly astounding. Just because they are innocent of bad intentions doesn't mean the next guy will be as well, and we are giving tools to a potential madman that could end this country overnight.