Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Getting on the 405

I've been trying to get this shot for months. Obviously some kid who was thoroughly baked or on acid created some silly art.

Friday, June 14, 2013

On Mr. Snowden and the NSA...

The difference between a democracy and a police state is that in a democracy, your government hears you.  In a police state, they listen to you. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life: Playing the Obama Bumper Sticker Game | Common Dreams

Yes, it's depressing. So much so that it is becoming hilarious in a way that rivals the end of Monty Python's "Life of Brian".
Not A Kenyan.
Not a Socialist.
Not a Nazi.
Not even a fucking Liberal.....he's to the right of Reagan on more issues than he is to the left of him.
And finally the conservatives seem to have discovered the Constitution-now they actually have something real to use against him. At least something real to use against him that wouldn't require them to throw all of their major donors in Leavenworth. At least not immediately.
And this pains me greatly for two reasons, he has the brains, charisma, and leadership skills to transform the whole world forever practically overnight-and hasn't. He has also helped so many immigrants and people in the LGBT community so much-but then stabbed them in the back by rushing their civil liberties while expanding their civil rights.
That hurts me because for the last 25 years I have been living in, and working in, those communities. One the people who I love more than anything in the world is both Latino and a member of the LGBT community. I want to be proud of him, but instead I can only offer a little gratitude and then go back to being disgusted.

From Common Dreams:
"Playing the Obama Bumper Sticker Game | Common Dreams
There’s no easier way to gauge the disappointment that liberals and progressives should feel toward President Obama than to look at their cars – more specifically, their bumper stickers.
(Photo: Mikebny/ Flickr)I’ve been playing this game for years. Whenever I see a car with an Obama-Biden bumper sticker and a second bumper sticker, most of the time I can predict the following about that second sticker:"