Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Small Occupy Movements Across the Country Accumulate Victories | Truthout

Small Occupy Movements Across the Country Accumulate Victories | Truthout: " UC Riverside researchers surveyed 482 incorporated towns and cities in California and found that 143 - nearly 30 percent - had Occupy sites on Facebook between December 1 and December 8."

   For those of you who think that this is a bunch of dirty-smelly, comminist hippies asking for handouts?
Fuck you.
You are retards.
   If you are stupid enough to indentify with and support what today passes for 'conservative' your argument has no legs to stand on. Zero. Your "ideology" is not even greed, it is rationalized avarice that has led to acts of evil-yes evil-there, someone finally said it to your face and, at the end of the day, your entire idea boils down to one supporting statement: "It can't happen here, this is America!"
That's all you got.

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

This Is What The Government Told Gizmodo About Osama Bin Laden's Body

This Is What The Government Told Gizmodo About Osama Bin Laden's Body: "This Is What The Government Told Gizmodo About Osama Bin Laden’s Body
Months ago, I asked the Pentagon for its visual records of Osama bin Laden's sea burial under the Freedom of Information Act. Today, I received a thick packet of No— a complete denial that any records exist. Read it."

...Okay, so let's get a couple things straight here before I go off on an abusive tear:
1. No matter how you slice it, dice, or spin it, Osama Bin-Laden was one of the biggest douchebags in human history. He obviously had the means and opportunity as well as the connections, charisma, and talent to affect change in a positive manner-instead he choose to murder-and promote murder as a tool.
2.I know that alot of my readers assume I am some sort of a knee-jerk liberal, hippie, pacifist. I am not. I believe in in practicing non-violence. I believe in self-sufficiency to the point that, even if it impoverishes your nation, you don't deserve to survive as a 'Great Power' if you have to resort to imperial means just to sustain yourself. No nation as diverse and powerful as the U.S.A. should  have  to act in an imperial manner just to keep the lights on.
3. I believe that the mostly white ruling class in America has gotten fat, lazy, and pathetic to the point that they don't believe in actually leading, just bitching about what a lack of leadership has done to ruin things.
4.I also believe in popping a cap in the ass of any motherfucker who openly seeks to avoid rational solutions to problems as an excuse to just satisfy bloodlust. If you think you can provoke a gunfight with America-for any reason-you just want to see blood shed for your own satisfaction.
It is, as they say, a zero-sum game. The U.S. is Wyatt Fucking Earp and the rest of the world is a drunk, retarded kid with a b.b. gun laboring under the delusion that they are tough.
We rigged the game that way.
Except for Finland.
Nobody in their right mind fucks with Finland.

Abusive Tear:
   Anyone who knows thing one about Islam knows that just the banking system we (and most other developed countries) foist upon the World can be seen as odious and usurious to any Islamic nation or group.
   Hypothetically you could argue that the 'rage' (really just megalomania) that 'drove' Bin-Laden to murder was based on a sense of injustice born of his faith. Frankly, if taken in the abstract and only judging him based upon the reasons for countless revolutions over the millenia-including the American Revolution, a sympathetic person might think it was okay for OBL to wreak the havoc he caused....I have a different take on him.
   He may have started as an idealist, but eventually his birth into wealth an privilege just made him another rich douchebag with a 'grudge' that he used to warp minds and kill for his own pleasure and love of power. In short? He was just a fluffy white cat away from being a James Bond villain.
And he got his ass capped like one.
I hate to think of killing as an answer, but, he earned the the $0.46 (avg. cost) for the 2 -9mm rounds (probably, could have been .45ACP, .380ACP etc...) that turned his grey matter into liquid.
He was just a fucking murderous piece of shit.
A serial killer.
    As much as I believe in many conspiracy theories, as much as I doubt the 'official' story behind 9/11 (though my conclusion is less conspiratorial and more pragmatic and money-based), I believe the official story about OBL's death. He hid in plain sight, someone got paid-off to rat him out, SEAL Team 6 killed him.
Done and dusted.
He was a smart enough, educated enough fucker that I would have reveled in the thought of him locked in solitary til his dying day with nothing to read but letters from the families of his victims, but him dead =The World is a Better Place.
He wasn't any better than Charles Manson.
That being said?
This story is completely fucked and wrong.
People need to go to prison for this.
As far as I am concerned, this is the same as a member of the Armed Forces perjuring them self in front of Congress.
This is only going to advance the myth, the conspiracies.
It is bullshit.
Any service-person invloved in this sham should be stripped of rank and benefits and subject to prosecution.
It is disgusting.
Merry Christmas.
You get the government you tolerate.

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Merely Wires and Lights in a Box. And, We Have Gotten Used to It

And, We Have Gotten Used to It: "I am reminded of the finest speech I ever heard on the subject of television journalism. It was given by Ed Murrow in 1958.

Murrow said, "This instrument can teach, it can illuminate; yes, and it can even inspire. But, it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to use it to those ends ... otherwise, it is merely wires and lights in a box.""

   Dan Rather on ethics and journalism, the importance of journalism, and the shams that have been rammed down our throats for over a decade.
Click the link, read the whole thing. It is important. Not just to the World, the U.S. or to you, but to your kids. It is part of the legacy we pass on.
   I don't claim to be a journalist, or even a pundit, just a concerned, responsible citizen (and total prick) who wants to see evil punished, good rewarded, and stupid exposed....(and thinks he knows everything)
  I am posting this because there is no one out there who can say they know better than a guy like Dan Rather. No one. Not you, not me, nobody.
   If you are under the age of 40 then you have little or no concept of what network journalism is-and the bad-guys like it that way. It used to be that a major network anchor or reporter was a revered figure in society-and I mean revered. They were part of the face our nation showed to the World-with pride-constantly proving that despite missteps, political scandal, corruption, and wrongdoing, that, as a nation, we had our collective heads on straight. We proved this every night at 6:30pm when we sat down to watch the news because we had heroic figures that that risked their lives, reputations, and careers just to give us a good look at the World.A good look not only at the larger world, but at ourselves, our country, and the actions our elected officials took in our name.
Watching the nightly news used to be a form of national service.
   I know that normally I can be pretty vicious about many matters, but this...this is something that requires positive reinforcement and an education in pride: It is not shameful to err. Electing the wrong people, working for the wrong company, doing the wrong thing once or twice doesn't make you, your nation, or your fellow citizens bad. Blindly and ignorantly turning away from the truth because you are too much of a pussy to face facts is what makes you a bad person. Not doing the right thing because it isn't the right thing for you makes you a bad person.
   Never forget that just because you don't think that one president or leader isn't a bad person doesn't mean they won't inadvertently set the stage for the next evil tyrant. Even more than threat of violence against one's government, the threat of exposing and not tolerating bad acts is the thing those that would seek to destroy or enslave us fear.
  If you forget that, or choose not to believe it you are part of the problem-just like anyone who was 'just following orders'. You are no different.
I make no claim whatsoever to be a scholar of any sort. One of my friends posted this on Facebook 2 days ago-and though he and I have wildly different views on certain aspects of politics, he is a truly excellent person and extraordinarily sharp, educated, and well, read.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” Søren Kierkegaard

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