Thursday, December 20, 2012

If it Doesn't Happen to Americans, it Doesn't Happen......

No false equivalency here-its EXACTLY the same thing...where was the outrage last Friday? The calls to ban knives?
Oh, that's right, once again, little brown 3rd World kids don't count.

Oh, and then there is this.

Let's just ban everything and blame bad shit on fucktards.

This isn't about you, or your kid, or and one person or small group of people. This is about the whole fucking world-everybody. This is about all of us making sure that the human race isn't crushed.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Mayor Bloomerberg Tells the President of the United States How to do His Job

Mayor Bloomberg, a man who has changed laws to stay in power has also referred to the NYPD as his army....
Well, Mayor Bloomberg's 'army' is responsible for one of the largest mass homicides of civilians in recent years in NYC. Mayor Bloomberg's 'army'  has also been found guilty of targeting brown people for unconstitutional, warrantless searches. The Mayor's 'army' has also been given a free pass to assault people for exercising their right to  protest-even though they (like Anthony Balogna) have been caught on video blatantly assaulting people without cause. Mr. Bloomberg is also crediting his assault on the Constitution with eradicating crime in NYC when in reality it probably has more to do with: 1) the over-gentrification and 2)the ultra-commercialization which has priced criminals out of the market and just moved them into other people's communities.
If you are poor in NYC you still go to a shitty school and if you are black in NYC you still get unfair treatment from the cops.
Now the Mayor is telling the back guy in the White House how to do his job.
I think it is pretty obvious (IN MY OPINION) that Bloomberg is a power-hungry racist and has no standing to tell anyone they should lose their civil liberties and rights because nobody does anything about the mentally ill.

Friday, December 14, 2012

No UK Trial for 'UFO Hacker' - Articles - Coast to Coast AM

No UK Trial for 'UFO Hacker' - Articles - Coast to Coast AM: "The decade-long legal saga of UK computer hacker Gary McKinnon appears to have been resolved today as British officials decided against putting him on trial in England or launching a new criminal investigation,"

'via Blog this'

Not My Words-CNN's: Drone strikes kill, maim and traumatize too many civilians, U.S. study says -

"Drone strikes kill, maim and traumatize too many civilians, U.S. study says - "(CNN) -- U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan have killed far more people than the United States has acknowledged, have traumatized innocent residents and largely been ineffective, according to a new study released Tuesday.
The study by Stanford Law School and New York University's School of Law calls for a re-evaluation of the practice, saying the number of "high-level" targets killed as a percentage of total casualties is extremely low -- about 2%."

So, our President is shedding tears in public over a horrendous tragedy. That is right and proper. Fortunately for shut-ins and morons, this gives the media something to vomit over the airwaves 24/7 for the next week to sell more commercial.
While we obsess over every single bit of minutiae in this case as if we actually the investigating it ourselves, and while every reporter at every news conference is dying to ask the one question that will make them sound important and worthy of a job in national news, we-as a nation-are doing the same thing on a regular basis. It just doesn't matter because they are little, poor, brown babies in foreign, Third-World countries and it is being done by, and at the behest of 'sane, rational professionals' in the name of 'National Security'.

Notice I am not mentioning what horrendous tragedy.
I am probably the only blogger in America who isn't.

The sheer fact that one is getting wall-to wall coverage and the other gets only tertiary coverage is even more disgusting.
All the innocents die as part of the same struggle, and only a few are actually given a shit about by anyone but their loved ones and a precious few activists.'via Blog this'

Friday, November 23, 2012

This is Why WeOwn Guns: Black Friday Fighting Over Phones During WalMart 2012

I would be willing to bet that most of these people only have a couple of days worth of food stored at home.
This is just over cheap, prepaid phones.
What if there was a food shortage?
This is why we are allowed to own rapid-fire, military-style firearms with high capacity magazines.

Think a widespread food disaster is not gonna happen?
One of the samartest guys in the world, Michio Kaku, is concerned about it. Watch here.

Black Friday Fighting Over Phones During WalMart 2012 VERY SAD!!!! - YouTube: ""

'via Blog this'

Friday, November 16, 2012

Feet to the Fire Time Homies.....

    Pulled this from a trusted source on FB...and YES it is sourced. It is up to you to decide if you will ignore it or research it further and make your voice heard."FYI, just the fact you are reading this means your voice is probably being heard-or rather read by an algorithm.
It happens because we believe it can't, but just look at who voted for this-alot of supposed 'good guys'.

"The List OF 75 US Senators Who Voted To Let 30,000 Drones Shoot Americans In The Streets
February 13, 2012

Via: Vid Rebel

The House and Senate voted for the passage of the FAA bill that funds 30,000 drones to surveil Americans knowing that the majority are to be armed initially with shotgun tasers. Two Americans a week die from tasers so these are lethal weapons. But these drones can easily be equipped with machine guns and rockets. I decided to only report the Senate vote because the bill included strong anti-union sections that forced House Democrats to vote against the overall bill. A quick glance of the Senate No votes revealed one staunch Zionist from a strong union state who probably would have voted for the bill if it were a stand alone measure without the union bashing.

Lamar Alexander (R-TN)
Kelly Ayotte (R-NH)
Max Baucus (D-MT)
Mark Begich (D-AK)
Michael Bennet (D-CO)
Jeff Bingaman (D-NM)
Roy Blunt (R-MO)
John Boozman (R-AR)
Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
Scott Brown (R-MA)
Richard Burr (R-NC)
Maria Cantwell (D-WA)
Tom Carper (D-DE)
Saxby Chambliss (R-GA)
Dan Coats (R-IN)
Tom Coburn (R-OK)
Thad Cochran (R-MS)
Susan Collins (R-ME)
Chris Coons (D-DE)
Bob Corker (R-TN)
John Cornyn (R-TX)
Dick Durbin (D-IL)
Mike Enzi (R-WY)
Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
Charles Grassley (R-IA)
Kay Hagan (D-NC)
Dean Heller (R-NV)
John Hoeven (R-ND)
Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX)
Jim Inhofe (R-OK)
Dan Inouye (D-HI)
Johnny Isakson (R-GA)
Mike Johanns (R-NE)
Tim Johnson (D-SD)
Ron Johnson (R-WI)
John Kerry (D-MA)
Herbert Kohl (D-WI)
Jon Kyl (R-AZ)
Mary Landrieu (D-LA)
Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Carl Levin (D-MI)
Joe Lieberman (ID-CT)
Dick Lugar (R-IN)
Joe Manchin (D-WV)
John McCain (R-AZ)
Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
Robert Menendez (D-NJ)
Jerry Moran (R-KS)
Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
Patty Murray (D-WA)
Bill Nelson (D-FL)
Ben Nelson (D-NE)
Rob Portman (R-OH)
Mark Pryor (D-AR)
John Reed (D-RI)
Harry Reid (D-NV)
Pat Roberts (R-KS)
Jay Rockefeller (D-WV)
Marco Rubio (R-FL)
Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
Jeff Sessions (R-AL)
Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)
Richard Shelby (R-AL)
Olympia Snowe (R-ME)
Jon Tester (D-MT)
John Thune (R-SD)
Pat Toomey (R-PA)
Mark Udall (D-CO)
Tom Udall (D-NM)
Mark Warner (D-VA)
Jim Webb (D-VA)
Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)
Roger Wicker (R-MS)
Ron Wyden (D-OR)"

Saturday, September 15, 2012

My Take on a REALLY Good Spiegel Article:

...also-and this is based upon  ONLY anecdotal evidence: The shipping routes for the world's supply of oil depends on the US Navy spending a reported $160billion to protect the shipping lanes. As pressure builds for us to scale back on military spending and rely less on oil from the Middle East it may just be other countries preparing to pick-up the slack.
I am being overly-optimistic, but I think that there will be a point where the US need for long-distance importation of fuel will drop precipitously. That will make the obligation of our Navy to be a party to securing as much of the shipping lanes a financial favor that we don't need to pay for anymore. If we suddenly void patrols in certain parts of the world it would become a haven for even more piracy.
The reason why I bring this up is because there have been rumors-for a couple of years now- that US military contractors are guarding mining operation in Afghanistan.
Meaning: We are business partners on some level, not JUST potential adversaries.
This is just MY take, but I see that there is less actual animosity between us and China than is being sold, but neither the US or anyone else wants to admit we are 'drawing-down' on an international scale.

Financially, we have China by the balls. Their corrupt "Communist" leaders hold huge stakes in the banks. If we tell them to go pound sand on on our debt-we will be fine-their banks won't.
 We wouldn't do it without 'cause'. Their surplus would evaporate overnight and all of the infrastructure projects they are using to employ (and placate)peasants who would otherwise be unemployed AND they would have to borrow money to keep the peasants fed and housed.
We could also slow imports-or at the very least-force them to import what our treaties say (they currently aren't honoring the trade agreements on us importing goods there).

What I think is this: Since the end of the Soviet Bloc, I THINK (just a hunch) the West has been gradually hinting at this. I think the first Gulf War was an example: If memory suits me, we essentially CHARGED some of the coalition forces for our support role just so they could participate.
If we just maintained our present force, it would take decades for any other power to rival our abilities.
In short: We are shoring-up their power with ours for diplomatic means.
My HOPE is that this trend is for us to use our economic might to force other nations to carry their share of the burden.
The reason I say this is because of what I actually KNOW: N. Korea is evil (as a government) and they have made pacts with Burma to develop nuclear weapons and missile systems, and Burma has (since at least 2005) has been selling uranium to Iran.
If we extricate ourselves from NEEDING things that travel through those regions and no body takes up the slack...who foots the bill? Who actually does it?
 Is our Navy going to become a mercenary force to keep other nations' finances in order?
Another hope is that, we can stop acting as an empire in a way that grants everybody their own security by their own means.
Of course, I could be wrong and we could be hurtling inexorably towards WW III.
But I think that half a century of smart, well intentioned diplomats have been trying to head this off in advance. There are a lot of smart people working for our government (and others'). I think that they saw much of this coming.
Ant the link, read the story. The translation might be bad and might have missed it, but this is my analysis-but I am just a citizen. I could be wrong.

Friday, September 14, 2012

"How's that Fucking Gun Ban Working for You, Dipshits?-NYPD Shoots Civilians.

I thought I'd wait a couple of weeks before this bit of nastiness:
How's that fucking gun ban working, dipshits?
The NYPD does it again.
I don't know what the New York standard is but in AZ if you shoot anyone more than 3 times in self-defense you are probably going to prison. If you shoot bystanders by accident you are DEFINITELY going to prison.
This point was also made after the Gabby Giffords shooting as there were several people there with CCW permits-some of them probably lost their abiity to have a permit for one simple reason: If any law enforcement agency even INVESTIGATED any of them in the shooting-not even arrested or charged, they cannot, by law have said permit any longer.
Given the NYPD's recent record with that scumbag Antony Bologna pepper spraying those girls without cause and getting off scott-free, I'd say they have a serious gap in training when it comes to use of force. If this had happened in Phoenix those officers would have gotten fried.
Perhaps, since guns are (basically) illegal in NYC, the average patrolman doesn't need one anymore? It seems to me that the last few months-and the last couple of decades for that matter-have shown that whoever is training these people in appropriate behavior sucks at their job. A disciplined force does as it is trained. So, either their training sucks or the leaders who decide the training suck..
I find it interesting that, nationwide, somewhere north of 90% of all revoked CCW permits are the result of infractions that don't involve any sort of gunplay, but are merely walking into a building or area where they are not allowed to carry-often accidentally.
These were trained officers. One of them making the mistake is a mistake, 2 making the same mistake 9 times is poor training and bad selection of candidates for the Academy.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

GO Chris Hedges! Democracy at Work! Obama's NDAA Law Allowing Indefinite Military Detention of Citizens Ruled Unconstitutional - New York - News - Runnin' Scared

Obama's NDAA Law Allowing Indefinite Military Detention of Citizens Ruled Unconstitutional - New York - News - Runnin' Scared: "The Obama administration's efforts to enshrine sweeping 9/11-era rollbacks of civil liberties and constitutional rights as federal law hit a serious roadblock yesterday, as a federal judge struck down clauses of the National Defense Authorization Act as unconstitutional."

'via Blog this'

Friday, August 31, 2012

Biden and Hillary to Swap.... ?

A little outdated-but there are still a few days 'til the DNC-it could still happen:

Oh,  I'm sorry, did the VP say something obnoxious to bigots? Guess what? That is what he collects a paycheck for. That is what he was hired for... That and he actually spent time in war zones and has a kid who served.
Biden was never going to become president... But guess who comes after Pres. Obama? President Hillary Clinton,
Senator Chelsea Clinton, and a whole lot of whiney, messy-diapered fascist with no balls whining because they have to pay taxes to fund the wars that keep their oil and defense stocks vomiting out death-dividends so they cme buy even more shut to make themselves look like greedy fucktards.
Don't expect the mad dash to the Left on the path of the current administration if they actually manage to survive another Diebold debacle.
-Or should I say e-Coup. Karl Rover will probably copyright the name iCoup. -
But I digress. More of the same will lead to more tea baggers and Paul ites.... I think there may be some OWS waves in the political future.
Let's just hope all you stupid monkeys start using more than your brain-stem soon.
We're at a crossroads. One way leads to Roddenberry's replicators and an infinite future of self-guided evolution, the other to the land of Orwell's Boot.

Countering the Argument that We are Headed for Nuclear War-My Take on: "WHILE AMERICA SLEEPS: Risking Nuclear Armageddon" By Stephen Lendman

WHILE AMERICA SLEEPS: Risking Nuclear Armageddon » |: "By Stephen Lendman

Risking Nuclear Armageddon

Irresponsible leaders risk the unthinkable. Media scoundrels cheerlead mindlessly. So do neocon think tanks. Ordinary people are more concerned about mundane trivia than survival.   Nero didn’t fiddle while Rome burned. The violin wasn’t invented for another 1,500 years. Today’s officials go where earlier ones wouldn’t dare. They risk regional or global disaster. War on Syria and/or Iran may ignite more than leaders bargain for."

'via Blog this'

 I agree with the risks, but I am somewhat hopeful as far as the involvement of China and Russia are concerned.
   Russia talks a good game, but they have made constant excuses for years delaying promised missile and other technology to Iran. Russia has an Islamist extremist problem of their own and they don't want them to be just across the border from a nuclear-armed country with leaders who support the ideology of the extremists.
   We have China-specifically their leadership-over a barrel: Much of the banking industry in China is controlled by government  officials-we can blackmail them two-fold: By saying we won't pay back the $1+trillion we owe them and by closing our markets to them. One of the things about President Obama pushing an increase in exports is the rebuilding of our manufacturing base so as to threaten China. Our base has been on the down-slide for decades and is ripe for a bottom-up rebuilding. Such a rebuilding would make it the newest -and perhaps most current-in the world. On top of that, Mexico and Central America have also lost millions of jobs to China and Asia-they would greatly benefit from trade sanctions with China....or even an enforcement of current agreements. These things would harm the current leadership of China more than the people, the untapped consumer market in China is huge-they would recover, their leaders would not. That in combination with the fact that the two top Chinese banks recently did a huge survey of their millionaire customers and found that 60%  (that equates to approximately 600,000) want to move to the US because their money is safer here (from government confiscation and corruption) and they prefer our style of education for their children.
So, trying to look on the bright side these are the factual things I know about....I have limited time for footnoting, her, place a query in the comment box and I will source it for you or tell you where to look.
On the personal opinion front this is what I see:
The Chinese especially are competing with us for resources to fuel their economy Russia is less vulnerable, but still has needs. Philosophically as much older countries both nations take a much longer-term view of the world. They see how top-heavy we are in military spending and unwise fiscal and taxation decisions. They would prefer for us to collapse under our own weight and not have to actually fight any wars over it. As evidence the rumors that they are building hospitals and schools in Africa to curry favor instead of dumping boat and planeloads of cash into governments who's politicians just steal it.
Our long game consists of turning the Chinese into a foreign mining subsidiary of the US empire. Rumors that many US Forces and military contractors are guarding the Chinese mining operations in Afghanistan have been circulating for a while.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Motorola Rep: Droid Bionic Ice Cream Sandwich Update Rolling Out in September

Motorola Rep: Droid Bionic Ice Cream Sandwich Update Rolling Out in September: "Motorola Rep: Droid Bionic Ice Cream Sandwich Update Rolling Out in September
Adam Mills —  08/29/2012


It looks like Motorola is going to be rolling out the Motorola Droid Bionic Ice Cream Sandwich update in September."

'via Blog this'

Saturday, June 16, 2012

*WARNING* Some People Will Find this VERY Offensive:Beware Republicans-What President Obama's Campaign Has Not Done...Yet...

So, there are a few folks out there on the Republican side of the Great Divide currently referred to as 'American Politics' who are feeling a bit smug right now.
Those are the folks who understand the importance of 'messaging'. The Republican-Right has control of the collective voice-box of their whole party and they are caterwauling to the heavens a vomitous river of speech that, much like actual an actual river of real vomit, gets all over things, sticks to it, and grows more repellent and ripe every day.
Wedges of language are being driven daily ( as they have for 35 years) between all factions on the Democratic side of the aisle. Most recently in Wisconsin where they messaged the hell out of the idea that the recall should only be applied to gross abuses of power and violations of the law.
AKA: The things Walker may likely be going to prison for.
Don't think for a second that recall organizers weren't aware of that but:
1. They had far less money.
2. They were smart enough to not interfere in an ongoing investigation for political profit.

Ever wonder why Romney AND Obama steered clear of that show?

Well, don't think that the Dems are as stupid as the Teas Party Idiots hope they are when they look in the mirror and high-five themselves for destroying the recovery.

Everybody with half a brain (which eliminates a huge chunk of the TP'ers) knows that this whole thing in Wisconsin is a continuation of the multi-generational onslaught by the portion of the Republican Party that Barry Goldwater and Ike warned us about.
    (Side note: you know who else thinks on the same multi-generational timeline? Muslim extremist terrorists. Seriously. Yes, I am comparing the two. They have roughly the same moral structure and level of religious fanaticism.)
The current PR-battle is a continuation of the PATCO-strike massacre of civil rights and public safety. The Right is driving a wedge between public unions and private ones.
And thinks the Dems are too dumb to notice.
Well, using the same concept as Al-Quaeda, the Taliban, and the Tea Party but on a shorter timeline the Democratic party is hedging it's bets.
They have certain demographics locked down and are preemptively dealing with voter-purges....and they can be pretty certain that Mr. Obama will utterly clean Romney's dough-filled clock in debates.
The thing that can't be counted upon is the stupidity-or lack thereof-of a certain, rather import group:
The American voter. A group so prone to inexplicable stupidity that the very future of the planet could hinge upon whether or not they decide to actually THINK before they go to the polls in November.

To be clear: I tend to go by what I hear the candidates say.  I tend to shy away from candidate websites and literature for the same reason I don't go to strip-clubs: I am not a fan of having a pretty person butter me up to the point that I spend all my money just to end up going home and fucking myself.

That being said I would to point out the Dems' take on wedging groups apart...or at least the way I see it and would do it if I were an evil bastard willing to do anything utterly insane like telling voters the truth in an election year.
Much has been said about 'The Job Creators' and taxes.
Honestly, it makes a HELL of a lot of sense on the surface. What decent, intelligent, hardworking businessperson wouldn't take extra cash and do something constructive with it?
Any half-wit that has every had a good idea for a business and didn't have any venture capitol understands the old adage "it takes money to make money". Honestly, all the Republicans that I know that are in business reinvest money constantly and hire people to expand their business to make more money. When they get a tax break they often use a portion of that money to build their business-they also spend more money on beer, dinner, vacations, and toys.
People like Mitt Romney take that extra cash (-or rather the people they pay to handle it do-) and invest it where it will make the most money (like jobs in China) or be exposed to the least tax-liability (like the Cayman Islands).
If he wants to use it before the election, President Obama can just start clubbing everyone on the planet to death with that and simply ask: "Where are the jobs your greedy, treasonous, hiding your money in foreign lands, bastards?".
...that'll cull a few from the heard.
And recent history has shown all you need is to cull 538 voters.

Wait until they drop the bomb: "You real job creators are going to have to get your taxes raised because of these bastards unless you vote for me.We all know we need more revenue...where's it gonna come from? You don't think the Tea Party will vote for one of my ideas even if I am not President do you?"
You know they won't.
They won't compromise. They'll either lose, or fight 'till they are all voted-out-and by that time it will be a total clusterfuck.
...and how does that work?
Simple. The real job creators-those who have taken advantage of tax-cuts to grow their businesses will get that coded message: 'Vote for Obama and the cuts continue-but with caveats-and maybe even retroactive incentives-for those who invest'.
REMEMBER: That was one of his 2008 campaign 'promises'.
The short, long-game for the Dems?
Romney wins and if  he leads the way he talks, the whole world economy goes off a cliff. in a grand, black-comedy way as if it were a 'Toonces the Driving Cat' video.
And it will if his mouth is any guide (well, that and his history in Massachusetts-except he won't be driving tech jobs out of a state, they will be going out of the country).
The very-rich will get richer. Some of the moderately-rich become very rich...and a lot of rich people become poorer.
Those folks will be pissed.
They will be retired generals and colonels, retired small-bank and mid-level insurance executives, medium-sized business and manufacturing owners....and everyone else.
In 2016-and the elections prior, they will bend the Republicans over a loading dock railing and fist them brutally...and not in the way the guy they hooked-up with at CPAC via GRINDR did either.
Actually, they will get their burnout-looking grandson who everyone thinks is a brain-dead, paint-huffing freak because he wears  studded gloves and Judas Priest t-shirts but who is actually the quiet one who was paying attention all along to do it.
Say hello to the return of  the 70% top marginal tax-rate.
And the New New Deal.
And another 4 decades in the wilderness for the Republicans.
Whether or not it is good for America.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Trans Pacific Partnership Document Leaked, Shows Corporations Could Violate National Sovereignty | FDL News Desk

think this pretty much proves how full of election-year bullshit McCain et al are over the White House leaks. Whoever the leaker is is disgusted by Obama's behavior.
Lists of people to kill? Seriously? You know who does that? People like Klebold and Harris. 

Letting Companies decide laws-letting  foreign companies decide our laws? What the hell do these people think they are doing?
It's like the mining company from Alien traveled back through time and replaced President Obama and John McCain with androids.
Seriously. McCain sat on his hands over the Valerie Plame thing and now he's all up in arms that someone exposed what an asshole President Obama is being....
Well, at least one of them is taking a little responsibility for their own actions.
Look, I voted for Obama, and I am again this this year, but I made it very clear to his campaign I will never vote for a compromise candidate again.

Trans Pacific Partnership Document Leaked, Shows Corporations Could Violate National Sovereignty | FDL News Desk: "Trans Pacific Partnership Document Leaked, Shows Corporations Could Violate National Sovereignty
By: David Dayen Wednesday June 13, 2012 9:42 am

While I was watching a generally weak set of questioning of Jamie Dimon at the Senate Banking Committee (outside of Menendez, Brown and especially Merkley), Zach Carter was reporting on a key leaked document from the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations. This is the “NAFTA for Asia” trade deal that Senators sought more transparency for earlier in the week. Well, thanks to Public Citizen, now they know a bit more about what’s in this trade deal. And now we know why it was a well-guarded secret."

'via Blog this'

Monday, May 7, 2012

Thank You, Jerry Brito! - Top ten myths about introverts

So, maybe now the Dumbfucks will get a fucking clue.
Seriously. If you have nothing worthwhile to say, I WON'T talk to you.
And yes, we get lonely....mostly because you ignorant fucks are too lazy to stay anything but ignorant.
MOST people aren't bad, just completely fucking boring to us.
Nobody who knows me believes that I am introverted and shy.....know why?
Not at bars, not at work, and certainly not on the Internets.
Good advice to all people desperate for a boyfriend/girlfriend or a fuck buddy? BE MORE INTERESTING!
Get a hobby.
Read something that isn't on the bestseller list.
Find something you can geek-out on and do it...then TALK about it online or in person.
Sure, alot of people will be turned off or bored, but the folks that aren't will be gold for you.
It helps to learn some social skills as well.
 I have ADHD (and probably Aspberger's) and I am not all that great-looking, but if I want sexual attention I can get it by engaging women I find attractive.
As a guy, you might think this is easier because women tend to be attracted by more than just looks, but the same is true of dudes-they just don't admit it. Cool, nerdy chicks can get plenty of guys-and get TONS of respect-you just have to lay your personality on the line. Every dude wants a chick he can hang with. If you lack confidence, try being yourself. If that doesn't work, try being a more interesting version of yourself.
Does that mean acting different?
NO. It means acting.Act on your impulses.
Impulses to learn, impulses to do things you want to.
That makes you more you....and unless you are a spree-killer hiding in a bookworm's body (Buffalo Bill), that will make you more attractive.
Also? Stop eating shitty food and being lazy. Work out. Lift weights. Exercise. The endorphin rush will make you more attractive and confident.

Jerry Brito - Top ten myths about introverts: "JERRY BRITO
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Myth #1 – Introverts don’t like to talk.
This is not true. Introverts just don’t talk unless they have something to say. They hate small talk. Get an introvert talking about something they are interested in, and they won’t shut up for days.
Myth #2 – Introverts are shy.
Shyness has nothing to do with being an Introvert. Introverts are not necessarily afraid of people. What they need is a reason to interact. They don’t interact for the sake of interacting. If you want to talk to an Introvert, just start talking. Don’t worry about being polite.
Myth #3 – Introverts are rude.
Introverts often don’t see a reason for beating around the bush with social pleasantries. They want everyone to just be real and honest. Unfortunately, this is not acceptable in most settings, so Introverts can feel a lot of pressure to fit in, which they find exhausting."

'via Blog this'

Friday, May 4, 2012

Any Questions? - Indicators for 196 Countries.

A graph of U.S. GDP growth from Jan. 1, 1947 to the present.
Notice anything? See any correlations?
I don't think you need to be Einstein to figure this out. - Indicators for 196 Countries.:

'via Blog this'Historical Data Chart

Monday, April 23, 2012

Truth or Consequences :: Texas Monthly...or How George W. Bush....Oh, Like You Fucking Care...

Truth or Consequences :: Texas Monthly: "Truth or Consequences
Eight years ago, Dan Rather broadcast an explosive report on the Air National Guard service of President George W. Bush. It was supposed to be the legendary newsman’s finest hour. Instead, it blew up in his face, tarnishing his career forever and casting a dark cloud of doubt and suspicion over his reporting—and that of every other journalist on the case. This month, as Rather returns with a new memoir, Joe Hagan finally gets to the bottom of the greatest untold story in modern Texas politics, with exclusive, never-before-seen details that shed fresh light on who was right, who was wrong, and what really happened."

'via Blog this'once again, politicians who lie for a living managed to convince the public that journalists-who tell the truth for a living are liars.

   So, was he AWOL or not? Did he flunk a whizz quizz or not?
This is a pretty damning article...will it call him to account for the deaths of as many as a million civilians and as many as 17,000 us service personnel (yes, I said 17,000-do the math on death benefits paid)?
Probably not.
All Americans who did not do their research and trusted politicians over journalists -some of whom have broken countless important stories should be held to account. For being fucking morons.
And of course, some of the crucial players are dead.
As usual.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Man braves radiation exposure to care for Fukushima’s abandoned animals | Grist

   This is an example of how humans are supposed to behave. No, we can't all give our lives to over to certain death every time the opportunity presents itself,  but this man saw the need and the opportunity to do the right thing and decided it was worth his life.
There isn't much else you can say about that.

Man braves radiation exposure to care for Fukushima’s abandoned animals | Grist: "Meet the modern-day, post-apocalyptic Dr. Doolittle. Naoto Matsumura lives right inside the Fukushima evacuation zone in the town of Tomioka, just 10 miles from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. The reason he’s stayed in the poisoned region post-nuclear meltdown is so that he can take care of all the abandoned cows, pigs, dogs, and cats."

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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Whatcha Reading, Henry Rollins? - YouTube

Rollins brutally hitting some ugly nails on the head while promoting more, doubt more, DO YOUR FUCKING HOMEWORK! This ain't high school. It counts. Take in alot of everything-even read the cereal boxes and make up your own mind.

Whatcha Reading, Henry Rollins? - YouTube:

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Thursday, March 15, 2012

UPDATE! Sluts VOTE!-The Vexatious Monkey Cafe Press Store

UPDATE:  On April 15, 2012, shortly after Rush made his infamous "slut" comment  I bought and linked it to one of my blogs and my store. I pledged then to donate half of my profits to Planned Parenthood. I was hoping to raise a little more than this meager 50 bucks but I think I may have indirectly helped more than I thought.
Several buyers bought buttons in bulk. I hope they sold them at a huge mark-ups and made piles of dough. I also hope they passed a little on. I have also (whether rightly or not) claimed that my button design was copied (and improved upon) by someone who garnered national attention by selling her own version of the "Sluts Vote" button at the DNC. The woman selling the pins pledged to donate a portion of the proceeds to "SouthWestern Illinois Democratic Women to defeat Republicans."
I have yet to contact the seller to find out if, in fact, I had anything to do with it. If I did, I want to publicly state now: I don't care  if my idea was stolen. It makes me proud. If it was just as obvious to her as it was to me? Then great minds think alike.
I would only ask for bragging rights if my idea was 'stolen
.I still own the domain name, the items are still available and my pledge still holds. Buy them and I will  donate.
Thanks for everything!

UPDATE!: Thanks for the love today ladies! So far today you have nearly doubled the amount going to Planned far that totals only about $45.00 but it is something I am proud of. For those of you (like Sonjia in Virginia,) who spent a couple hundred bucks and bought buttons in bulk THANK YOU! MY markup is small so the overall contribution may not seem like alot-but I encourage you to resell these for whatever the market will bear. If you want to donate a portion of the proceeds to a cause that would make me happy and proud! does not allow me contact you directly so I will do it here:
Lydia in Virginia
Rose, Shelly, and Tracy in California
Lydia in Michigan
Edith in Minnesota
Rose in Illinois


Tell Rush and all the GOP bigots just how you feel and give them a dose of reality at the same time.
Click on the image below to be directed to the store.
No matter if I sell one shirt or a million of them I will donate half of the profits to Planned Parenthood.
Women's T-Shirt
I also have the ability to add more products such as hats, buttons, bags etc. at relatively short notice and some items are available for bulk buys if you want to purchase them to hand out or to sell to raise funds.
You can refer people to

You can email me by clicking the link on the upper right hand side of the blog page if you have any questions. If you are concerned about donations I will make any and all financial reports available.

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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Hip Hop Alive and Kicking in Burma

World Blog - Rocking out to hip-hop in the new Myanmar

   A very cool video about one of the most important political and cultural transformation currently occurring on this planet. The good news is that these artists are not being thrown in prison for expressing themselves. The bad news is the uncertainty-will Burma keep moving in the right direction or is this all just smoke and mirrors to hide further power-grabs, corruption and pursuit of nuclear weapons with the aid of North Korea.
Another excellent resource for news for Burma and Asia is

Monday, March 5, 2012

The violence of Andrew Breitbart / Waging Nonviolence - People-Powered News and Analysis

The violence of Andrew Breitbart / Waging Nonviolence - People-Powered News and Analysis: "This is why Gandhi said that “a victory won through violence is tantamount to defeat—for it is momentary.”"

   This piece was written by a Facebook friend who is not only very smart she is dedicated to serving the greater good through word and deed. She has traveled internationally teaching and learning non-violent strategies and has personally been the victim of Breitbart's attacks.
   While I obviously don't follow her lead in regards to civility I feel that her words here should give us all food for thought. I am nowhere near as awful as Breitbart, he used 'Patriotism' as a way to rationalize bile-spewing hatenikism for personal pleasure.
I am an asshole:
1.) to shock people into stopping what they are doing for a moment.
2.) so I don't have a fucking aneurysm and drop dead. (seriously, I tried the whole 'control your temper thing and my BP went through the fucking roof.)
That being said, I am taking her words to heart and will re-evaluate, at the very least my choice of words if not their tone. There is a difference between hurting and injuring. I don't mean to injure anyone-that gets you on an addictive power-trip.
This also in light of comments made recently by a drug addicted convicted felon with an alleged tweak for underage Central American prostitutes.....
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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Words for With Idiots.

Stop using the words meme and paradigm. They don't make you sound smarter unless you are some sort of scholar or expert. They just make you sound like you are a pretentious insecure loser trying to sound smart.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Scoring the Global War on Terror: From Liberation to Assassination in Three Quick Rounds | Common Dreams

Scoring the Global War on Terror: From Liberation to Assassination in Three Quick Rounds | Common Dreams: "Scoring the Global War on Terror: From Liberation to Assassination in Three Quick Rounds
by Andrew Bacevich
With the United States now well into the second decade of what the Pentagon has styled an “era of persistent conflict,” the war formerly known as the global war on terrorism (unofficial acronym WFKATGWOT) appears increasingly fragmented and diffuse. Without achieving victory, yet unwilling to acknowledge failure, the United States military has withdrawn from Iraq. It is trying to leave Afghanistan, where events seem equally unlikely to yield a happy outcome. "

   If I had a week or two, my blue-collar, ADHD brain could write a book about this- just based on my memories of news stories and people I have known....I don't know how else to describe this...except in the shortest version of it I can manage: (and YES, I know this is too long and YES I know it is lacking in references...but YES I could destroy every argument the Right-Wing Freaks make if I had the time and the money. Sometimes wrong is just WRONG.)

   If you haven't seen 'No End in Sight' DO SO-ASAP. Iraq may be over, but, it could have been done right except for some 'mistakes'. I fully believe that...even though it was B.S. to begin with.

   We are a point where our generals are often vastly more more well educated and aware than our civilian leaders. They (on paper) have better ideas and will speak the truth about what is needed to achieve objectives... but then the civilians change their minds.
Not that the generals are perfect, but look at their resumes as compared to who has been giving the orders for a decade.

  I was raised by a PHD (and a veteran) who taught me to distrust 'the Military' as potential makers of policy. It was part of his generational movement.
Well, his generational movement succeeded.
It forced military leaders to be scholars beyond what most politicians can imagine.
It made them pragmatic, smarter, and accountable...except now to politicians who are stupider and more corrupt than in the history of...well, just about any nation since man looked at itsself and and decided,'"Damn, we do alot of dumb shit for dumb reasons. We ought to change that!"

.....An idea that, ironically enough, seems to have started with the martyrdom of a man who belonged to a faith that now seems to believe that weapons with the power to utterly erase all of the glory that God bestowed upon this rock are holy (or wholly-depending upon your flavor of retarded extremism) a reason for starting WWIII.

Just saying....

...and before you accuse my sorry, blue collar, American ass of being anti-semitic?
The Nation of Israel and especially  its people should be protected to the death by anyone who believes in freedom.
Their current Government?

Right-Wing asshats whose rhetoric sounds exactly like 1930s Nazi propaganda.

Look it up.

I have no problem with us selling them F-16s, small arms, etc.
The fact that a tiny nation has designed and built some of the most incredible self-defense technology should be a model for the World.
I have NO problem with them having a nuclear arsenal.
 Look at the oppression and genocide.
If anybody needs a deterrent, they do.
..and I am NOT entirely against the idea of targeted assassinations....but?
Too many douchebags in power.

The IDF and the mindset it instills upon the civilian population?
All nations should be so well trained, aware, and prepared.
Their current government is an insult to humanity-especially  the 'faith' it purports to defend.

   I am not saying The Generals had all the answers, but they had BETTER ones and were ignored. Now they are left to do the bidding of politicians who know (apparently) nothing and think drone strikes are the new penicillin.

 Nobody really cares.
If they did G.W. Bush would be arrested and on trial.
"What!?!", you say?
If he really believed his own bullshit, he'd stand up for it.
In a court of law.
Let's get this shit tested, let's see if it actually works.
IF his theories can be jammed into the framework of our Sacred, Founding Document?...let him go.
If not?
Let him swing.
(not literally. Figuratively. I would rather see W. in solitary for life than physically punished).
I am not a liberal.
I just think the U.S. fucked the hell out of 235 years worth of Karma in less than a decade-and we could have changed the World for the positive except the fact that, intellectually lazy fuck-wads wanted to sit at home and watch video game-wars instead of actually doing their parts.
Just sayin'....
Oh, wait!
I must hate the troops.
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Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Rule of Law and Why Bradley Manning is Not Unique...?

This is my first post in a while, I have been laying off and trying to restructure my endevours a bit, but a Facebook convo popped up tonight worthy of much consideration.
 I thought I'd blog it out for your enjoyment-and to give you some trivial info that may be useful in a future arguments with idiots (not to say any of the parties here are idiots)

I saw this picture on FB tonight and it compelled me to re post and pontificate as if I know everything-this is an amalgamation of the post and subsequent comments and correspondence-names are changed to protect the innocent.

VM: "While I will stipulate that Manning's actions may warrant a court martial, many facts about the case are not evident in the mainstream media-especially the facts about Dan Choi being assaulted at Manning's preliminary hearing... Google it...."

(Consider it homework. I am not going to spend any more time explaining something that should have been front page fucking news for weeks.)

".....It is disgusting-and will probably cost a bunch of tax-dollars in a lawsuit.

   I don't mean to get up on a high horse about this-especially considering that I never served in the military, but:
He (Manning),( apparently) went up the chain of command about his concerns (allegedly all the way to the White House) and got nothing. There is also the fact that Ft. Meade is named after a relative of mine. General Meade, after risking his life breaking the back of the Confederate Army at Gettysburg, was fired (in part) because he refused to engage in actions he deemed to be excessively brutal.
If that isn't irony I don't know what is."

Response from L: "
oh come on ####. the guys who massacre civilians get off w a pat on the wrist. and Manning deserves a court martial? my ass."

My response:
That and You are Probably an Idiot

‎...I mean TECHNICALLY. His defense is based upon the UCMJ law that exempts soldiers from carrying out orders they consider unlawful. The trial may wind up working in his favor (as long as we keep paying attention). There was a trial back in '04-'05 of a sailor based at Coronado Island who refused to report for duty on a troop transport bound for Iraq because he stated the war was illegal. I heard about this from Ring of Fire's radio show.
I can't recall the exact outcome, but he wasn't dumped in a hole for life-in fact I think he finished his enlistment."

Thus ensued a little research and an email to 'L': ....(BTW, more of your homework involves  researching the sailor and his fate-I don't have time and part of the purpose of this blog is to motivate action on the part of the reader....)

VM:  "HAH! The plot-soup is thickened with massive amounts of PURE IRONY!
Let me take the time to word this for proper dramatic effect:
   The ship he refused to board was the U.S.S. Bonne Homme Richard..... On July 3rd 1971 Admiral George S. Morrison spoke at the decommissioning ceremony for the previous "Bonny Dick"...the flagship and his command vessel while he was the commander of U.S. Naval forces in the Gulf of Tonkin.
Yes, THAT Gulf of Tonkin.
Yes, he was the commander of U.S. Naval forces at the time of 'The Incident'.
Why do I mention the exact date of the ceremony?
Because it was the same day that Adm. Morrison's son, Jim was found dead in a Paris bathtub.
One of Adm. Morrison's last assignments was to be in charge of the Navy's overseeing of the Boat People refugees from Saigon in '75.
That is an irony club sandwich with two Bic-Macs and a vegetarian corn-dog in the middle.
 Who's your (most humble, loving, and appreciative) Daddy?"

Link to referenced article below.
Please note that I have previously tried to source and verify all information and it is accurate to the best of my ability and knowledge-if you have evidence to refute this PLEASE let me know!...just make sure it is confirmible or I will use voodoo dolls to make your life a living 'Hell'.

"  US sailor refuses deployment to Iraq in protest against war On December 6, as his ship was setting out for Iraq, Naval Petty Officer 3rd Class Pablo Paredes refused to board the vessel out of opposition to the war. In doing so, Paredes joined the ranks of military personnel who have spoken out against the invasion of Iraq and the US military’s conduct of the..."

 VM: " I am not sure if I can explain WHY it is good...but the Manning Case is NOT the first...BTW, Dan Choi was in the same unit as Manning. Let me know what you want me to post and I will. I want to make it CLEAR I support Manning, but I believe with the right amount of pressure he MIGHT get a fair trial-which would, win or lose, would be a disaster for the Assholes..."

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Uncanny Valley: What Robot Theory Tells Us About Mitt Romney - Brian Fung - Politics - The Atlantic

The Uncanny Valley: What Robot Theory Tells Us About Mitt Romney - Brian Fung - Politics - The Atlantic: "The Uncanny Valley: What Robot Theory Tells Us About Mitt Romney
JAN 31 2012, 12:14 PM ET 56
The GOP front-runner looks just enough like the perfect picture of an American president to make us uncomfortable.

Mitt Romney is the storybook presidential candidate. He's successful, good-looking and a family man, to boot. Yet one of this political season's enduring puzzles has been the former governor's consistent inability to bond with voters. It's been suggested that Romney's robotic persona may be to blame -- and perhaps the analogy isn't far off. Much as people are repulsed and disturbed by automatons that mimic humans closely but imperfectly, Romney inexplicably turns voters off despite looking like the textbook image of an American president. Roboticists call this unsettling effect "the uncanny valley" -- and Romney is stuck deep at the bottom of it."

I got this via Roger Ebert's Facebook. Interesting as hell. Explains alot. I don't think Romney is fit for the White House-but then again, that hasn't stopped Americans from voting in their own worst interests before. Stupid is as stupid does...and statistically, most people are pretty dumb.....

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Monday, January 30, 2012

Boogie Man Journal: What really happened at Occupy Oakland on Saturday January 28 - Read my firsthand account, not the news. Please Spread.

Boogie Man Journal: What really happened at Occupy Oakland on Saturday January 28 - Read my firsthand account, not the news. Please Spread.: "If you only remember one detail be it this: Tonight's mass arrest occurred without a dispersal order. No law was broken. The only order given was: "You are under arrest. Submit to your arrest." 300 peaceful protesters walking down a street were trapped and arrested unlawfully."

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This was posted on Facebook by a friend. I cannot speak to its veracity but it feels-at the very least-honest in its perception. Some people may disagree with the author's version of events but it seems to jibe well with some other brief accounts.
The alleged behavior of Oakland P.D. seem par for the course when you consider this story:
A federal judge has granted significant decision-making powers to the monitors charged with overseeing court-ordered reforms at the Oakland Police Department, a move that brings the department one step closer to a federal takeover.

Avaaz - ACTA: The new threat to the net

Avaaz - ACTA: The new threat to the net: "ACTA - a global treaty - could allow corporations to censor the Internet. Negotiated in secret by a small number of rich countries and corporate powers, it would set up a shadowy new anti-counterfeiting body to allow private interests to police everything that we do online and impose massive penalties -- even prison sentences -- against people they say have harmed their business."

The internet represents the last true public platform for freedom of expression. If you think that your rights are secure and unfettered you are asleep. Please read this and sign, it is a very easy way to fight for what is right. The interne is the result of research funded by us.
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Friday, January 20, 2012

SOPA Is Dead: Smith Pulls Bill

SOPA Is Dead: Smith Pulls Bill: "Lamar Smith, the chief sponsor of SOPA, said on Friday that he is pulling the bill “until there is wider agreement on a solution.”

“I have heard from the critics and I take seriously their concerns regarding proposed legislation to address the problem of online piracy,” Smith (R-Texas) said. “It is clear that we need to revisit the approach on how best to address the problem of foreign thieves that steal and sell American inventions and products.”"
This is some of the best news possible. I wish I could say I had more of a hand in this other than just raising awareness, but I am proud to live in a country where you can actually be heard sometimes. This bill would not only have been the end of the internet, but it would chill democracy and lead to massive piracy and crime-up to and including a full-blown Darknet that everyone used instead of the internet. Think of the Interstate and rail systems in the U.S. being owned and operated by the Russian mafia. SOPA was the worst idea in the history of bad ideas.
Thank God Lamar Smith had the brains to read the writing on the wall. The next time around it'll be waayyyy sneakier-probably hidden inside another bill.
Be wary, Monkeys.
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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Executive Compensation and the Evils of Income Inequality: How I Once Again Know the Answer to Everything.

This is my response to someone's comment about Tim Cook' compensation package not being unreasonable.
I am ashamed at how articulate and civilized I was. My apologies to you all.

 There is almost correlation behind excessive CEO salaries, stock performance and economic growth. The rub is that he Tim Cook will pay taxes at a lower rate than all but the poorest Americans, which means effectively, if we are running a deficit, we are subsidizing his paycheck.
   For an individual to get paid an enormous sum isn't a bad thing, it is the fact that it is a societal norm that is bad. The massive concentration of wealth at the top of the income spectrum is highly deleterious to any society-to the point that it is one of the statistical indicators the CIA uses to determine how stable a country might be. The greater the income inequality the higher the likelihood of violent insurrection.
Currently, according to the CIA World Fact Book, the US should be involved in violent civil unrest and social upheaval up to and including rebellion and revolution. The US currently ranks lower than several countries that are undergoing such destructive social change. This fact has been one of the issues that has caused Sec. Napolitano (among others) to make statements that people find offensive and potentially threatening of civil liberties. It isn't just out of thin air.
The threat of an overly-unbalanced distribution of wealth is one of the primary drivers behind progressive income taxes with a deduction-laden incentives. The idea is not to prevent great wealth, but to prevent great, unearned wealth not tied to any productivity. Especially in these days of a globalized economy, someone worth millions or billions doesn't necessarily take their massive windfall and invest it in another business venture, the people they PAY to handle their money have a fiduciary responsibility to put that money where it will have the most opportunity to grow. For the last 10-15 years that has been OUT of the United States (not my opinion, the opinion of former Sec. Labor Robert Reich). Higher tax rates with targeted deductions are a 'passive' government incentive to reinvest money here.
   As for the the income inequality, check into:
-and its correlation to not only the Occupy movement but the Arab Spring and the fall of the Iron Curtain. It is one of the reasons why all those demonstrations have been peaceful.
   I am not saying that the government should put a direct cap on what a CEO can make, but there should be some incentive to EARN the money. Jobs-love him or hate him-revolutionized the way humans interact with information, create, design, and do business as did Henry Ford and many others who built great fortunes, they didn't step into a position that already existed and Hoover massive amounts of cash out of it regardless of their abilities. There is a major difference.