Sunday, May 29, 2011

Gone to Sleep in Dress Blues....

America’s Wars Total (1775 -1991)
U.S. Military Service during Wartime 41,892,128
Battle Deaths 651,031
Other Deaths (In Theater) 308,800
Other Deaths in Service (Non-Theater)230,254
Non-mortal Woundings 1,431,290
Living War Veterans 16,962,000
Living Veterans (Periods of War & Peace) 22,795,00

Global War on Terror: Oct 7th,, 2001-May 23rd.,2011
Total Deaths 6,014

This numbers do not include suicides by active duty military personnel.

"'s just the stupidest thing....." Lt. Col. J.H. ret.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Miscellaneous Debris

Miscellaneous Debris: "A Psychopath Walks Into A Room. Can You Tell? : NPR
A Psychopath Walks Into A Room. Can You Tell? : NPR:
'Some psychologists have a theory that many of the world's ills can be blamed on psychopaths in high places.

'Robert Hare, the eminent Canadian psychologist who invented the psychopath checklist, ... recently announced that you're four times more likely to find a psychopath at the top of the corporate ladder than you are walking around in the janitor's office,' journalist Jon Ronson tells Guy Raz, host of weekends on All Things Considered.'

This has long been a subject of curiosity for me. I have long-held personal beliefs that this article seems to reinforce. If you think about it, and do the math, it all starts to make a little more sense when applied to the Big Picture and it makes a lot of unexplainable things much easier to understand.
If the estimate is that 1% of the population operates entirely without, guilt, conscious, remorse, or empathy and then multiply that by 7 billion you get 70 million. Think about that number and then think of what someone who cared only for them selve might try to get away with. Wouldn't they be attracted to the areas of greatest possibility for personal gain and satisfaction? When you put that in the context the Big Picture gets a lot more clear, a lot more simple, and alot darker.

   Popular Progressive Radio host Thom Hartmann has been talking about this for years-he is, in fact, the person who first put words to the ideas rattling around in my head. Thom uses the broader term of 'sociopath' which is often lumped into the same category with 'psycopath' and both, in medical terms, are then under the umbrella of 'anti-social personality disorder' and often considers many of the World's ills attributable to this disorder. Although far from being as experienced and credentialed as Mr. Hartmann, I concur. If you learn just a little about this, and then apply that knowledge just to your little corner of the planet alot of things start to pop out. Not to say that we can all just magically start diagnosing people on the spot, but some basic knowledge could do quite a bit to help us all steer clear of certain types of behaviors we see in those around us..
   One of the most complicated ideas behind this theory of the effect of these people on society is potential solutions or how to mitigate their effects on the general population. There is always the question of how to handle this. Personally, I feel the two best Pop-Culture takes on this are this episode of Star Trek and the film Blade Runner. Especially in Blade Runner where the suspected Replicants are made to undergo a test to measure empathy (something lacking in psychopaths) we can see the complexities of how to deal with people with the problem of psychopathy. Are we to test everybody and then round up the 'sick' ones for imprisonment, or extermination (called 'retirement' in Blade Runner). Technically people with severe Anti-Social Personality Disorder are still human even if they lack our most human of traits, but if the theories about their effect on society prove true what are supposed to do with them? And, if we start singling them out for specific persecution can they then not begin to self-identify and demand civil rights as a group?
  Well, it is Thursday, your brain should be warmed up by now-and I did start you off with cute beagle-puppy videos, so, put this one in the old mental martini shaker and give it a go.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Volkswagen’s $600 car gets 258 mpg - National Trendy Living |

Volkswagen’s $600 car gets 258 mpg - National Trendy Living |

"This $600 car is no toy and is ready to be released in China next year.

The single seater aero car totes VW (Volkswagen) branding.

Volkswagen did a lot of very highly protected testing of this car in Germany, but it was not announced until now where the car would make it's first appearance."

Monday, May 23, 2011

Dipshittery Destroys Yet Another Part of America

   This is utterly mind-boggling. I have often labored under the impression that newspapers-being the amalgamators, analyzers, and distributors of pertinent information-would be some of the first industries to notice potential trends. Or complete and utter up-endings of reality.
Apparently not.
Not even close.
   You would think that any industry whose primary job was to keep people informed and cast a critical eye on the surrounding world might notice the gigantic double-decker freight train hurtling out of control towards them at warp 11.
Apparently not.
Not even close.
   A Google search using the term “newspaper articles about the failure of the us auto industry” yielded 2,200,000 results. Not at all surprising. I am certain that a fair number of those articles were opinion pieces excoriating the past and present leaders in Detroit for not only willful blindness, but incompetence and well, moronity.
   A Google search using the term “newspaper articles about the failure of the us NEWSPAPER industry” yielded over 15,000,000 results. Apparently no one in the newspaper industry reads newspapers. Either that or they do and scoff at what a ‘rags’ are being printed these days and go back to reading the Weekly World News.
   Perhaps now I should explain myself. And my attitude. Which is probably only going to get more foul with each passing line of this post. An hour or so ago I read a tweet from renowned science-fiction author William Gibson (@greatdismal) with a link to this story . My initial response was, “wow, it only took 10 years to come up with a solution to a problem of that magnitude?”.
(insert sarcasm emoticon here)
   A brief amount of research later I discovered that my sarcasm was misplaced so I replaced it with utter disbelief and contempt. My quick Internet search informed me that the problem wasn’t 10 years old. It was 31 years old. The first 11 newspapers to go online were in July, 1981. Yes 1981.  So all of this controversy and exultations of tragedy at the loss of a great American tradition with the sudden onslaught  of free Internet news in the last few years is not a new problem. Not even close. Not even in the same star system . I have sat and watched, listened, or read countless stories in the last few years about how all the newspapers are just dying off. Stories about how they were-as an entire industry-caught with their pants down and crushed beneath the sudden Goliath of free. Stories about how thousands have lost their jobs. About how towns and cities across the land have suddenly been stripped of their primary sources of local information and a opinion-and part of their identity. Tragic? Absolutely. The loss of jobs and a portion of the social fabric of a community -even a whole country is a sad thing to see. But it goes a little further than that. Newspapers large and small, our Free Press, are a fundamental function of our nation and our liberty. The fact that they are being swept away en-masse is not only sad, but dangerous.
And it seems like they had a bit of time to prepare.
And didn’t.
I guess the Fat Cats in Detroit aren’t the only multi-generational organization of dipshits screwing up this country and it’s economy.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sophomore Threatened with Rape for Criticisms of Michele Bachmann

Sophomore Threatened with Rape for Criticisms of Michele Bachmann:

"“A lot of them are calling me a whore,” Myers said of anonymous. Amy and her father said the comments from conservative websites alarmed them most. Some commenters threatened to publish her home address. Others threatened violence. Some threatened rape."

  Okay, so, I understand if you want to pick on an adult, adults are thick-skinned and usually understand that such language can be considered a felony in some states. But what kind of dipshit fuckwad threatens to rape a little girl for making well thought out, articulate critical comments of an elected official? That is what this country is about. Consideration and debate instead of brute force, idiocy, and violence as a means to resolve political issues. I personally do not agree with Ms. Bachman or her supporters, but I don't advocate raping them to get my way. Of course whoever threatened her probably could get their tiny little dick up long enough to penetrate their sister.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Welcome to the New State of Baja,Arizona if Liberals have their way | Newsnet 14

Welcome to the New State of Baja,Arizona if Liberals have their way | Newsnet 14: "- A long-simmering movement by liberal stalwarts in southern Arizona to break away from the rest of the largely conservative state is at a boiling point as secession backers press to bring their long shot ambition to the forefront of Arizona politics.

A group of lawyers from the Democratic stronghold of Tucson and surrounding Pima County have launched a petition drive seeking support for a November 2012 ballot question on whether the 48th state should be divided in two."

   Utterly retarded Governorship, utter disregard for the quality of public education, blatantly racist public policy, wasteful and disastrous urban planning...the list goes on and on. What used to be a conservative state where conservatism was largely a 'mind your own business' value, and cultural heritage and local businesses were what it was all about has become an epic sprawl of greed, apathy, and fat white people staying at home watching reality TV while Hoovering up vast quantities of high-carbohydrate snacks whilst clogging the raods with giant SUVs they don't need.
Not all that shocking. I'd support it.

ThinkProgress » The Contango Game: How Koch Industries Manipulates The Oil Market For Profit

ThinkProgress » The Contango Game: How Koch Industries Manipulates The Oil Market For Profit:

"In recent weeks, gas prices around the country have surged to levels unseen since the 2008 oil spike. However, market fundamentals are not driving the nearly $4.00/gallon gas prices. In fact, under the Obama administration, oil production is at record highs and there is adequate global supply of crude. As Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) commissioner Bart Chilton has explained, rampant oil speculation, which is at its highest level on record right now, is to blame for current prices."

  Look at the numbers, it it market manipulation in a time of war to increase profit. It is treason. Fuel is one of the single greatest expenditures for the US military. By Manipulating prices, the Koch Brothers are fucking the U.S military.

The Kochs are Fucking us All

What Is The Internet Hiding? | MoveOn.Org

What Is The Internet Hiding? | MoveOn.Org
"Short answer: Way more than you think. Our own Eli Pariser laid it all out in this eye-opening TED talk, and got a standing ovation for his trouble. His book on the topic, The Filter Bubble: What the Internet is Hiding from You, is out this week — help make it a hit here."

Awareness, mindfulness, action, lifestyle, integrity. The price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance. This talk was given with Bill Gates and top executive from Google in the room. I understand it was given a standing ovation. There is no way to escape or defeat bullshit without naming it and confronting it. This does NOT mean you have to been rude, mean, or disrespectful. Honesty, manners, and compassion are often the best tools for rebellion.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Charges Against the N.S.A.’s Thomas Drake : The New Yorker

Charges Against the N.S.A.’s Thomas Drake : The New Yorker

"The aim of this scheme, the indictment says, was to leak government secrets to an unnamed newspaper reporter, who is identifiable as Siobhan Gorman, of the Baltimore Sun. Gorman wrote a prize-winning series of articles for the Sun about financial waste, bureaucratic dysfunction, and dubious legal practices in N.S.A. counterterrorism programs. Drake is also charged with obstructing justice and lying to federal law-enforcement agents. If he is convicted on all counts, he could receive a prison term of thirty-five years."

Read more

   Very interesting when you compare this story to all of the 'whacko' conspiracy theories out there huh? It is getting to the point where the insiders are actually starting to sound the alarm and people are still laboring under the whole "it can't happen here, this is America!" concept. One of life's harsh realities is that the moment you say 'it can't happen here' you guarantee that it will. I am not professing that Presidents Bush or Obama are evil men bent on enslaving the Earth, but the naivety is utterly astounding. Just because they are innocent of bad intentions doesn't mean the next guy will be as well, and we are giving tools to a potential madman that could end this country overnight.