Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Volkswagen’s $600 car gets 258 mpg - National Trendy Living | Examiner.com

Volkswagen’s $600 car gets 258 mpg - National Trendy Living | Examiner.com:

"This $600 car is no toy and is ready to be released in China next year.

The single seater aero car totes VW (Volkswagen) branding.

Volkswagen did a lot of very highly protected testing of this car in Germany, but it was not announced until now where the car would make it's first appearance."

   Dear Detroit, thank you for making the greatest nation on Earth officially irrelevant. After killing the EV1, failing to build fuel efficient cars, ignoring diesel and just pumping out more gas hogs this takes the cake. But on the bright side, all you had to do was the thin you do best. Nothing. Thank you for not even bothering to have vision. Thank you for running yourselves into the ground, turning Detroit into a ghost town, and not doing a God-damned thing until it was almost too late.

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