Tuesday, December 20, 2011

This Is What The Government Told Gizmodo About Osama Bin Laden's Body

This Is What The Government Told Gizmodo About Osama Bin Laden's Body: "This Is What The Government Told Gizmodo About Osama Bin Laden’s Body
Months ago, I asked the Pentagon for its visual records of Osama bin Laden's sea burial under the Freedom of Information Act. Today, I received a thick packet of No— a complete denial that any records exist. Read it."

...Okay, so let's get a couple things straight here before I go off on an abusive tear:
1. No matter how you slice it, dice, or spin it, Osama Bin-Laden was one of the biggest douchebags in human history. He obviously had the means and opportunity as well as the connections, charisma, and talent to affect change in a positive manner-instead he choose to murder-and promote murder as a tool.
2.I know that alot of my readers assume I am some sort of a knee-jerk liberal, hippie, pacifist. I am not. I believe in in practicing non-violence. I believe in self-sufficiency to the point that, even if it impoverishes your nation, you don't deserve to survive as a 'Great Power' if you have to resort to imperial means just to sustain yourself. No nation as diverse and powerful as the U.S.A. should  have  to act in an imperial manner just to keep the lights on.
3. I believe that the mostly white ruling class in America has gotten fat, lazy, and pathetic to the point that they don't believe in actually leading, just bitching about what a lack of leadership has done to ruin things.
4.I also believe in popping a cap in the ass of any motherfucker who openly seeks to avoid rational solutions to problems as an excuse to just satisfy bloodlust. If you think you can provoke a gunfight with America-for any reason-you just want to see blood shed for your own satisfaction.
It is, as they say, a zero-sum game. The U.S. is Wyatt Fucking Earp and the rest of the world is a drunk, retarded kid with a b.b. gun laboring under the delusion that they are tough.
We rigged the game that way.
Except for Finland.
Nobody in their right mind fucks with Finland.

Abusive Tear:
   Anyone who knows thing one about Islam knows that just the banking system we (and most other developed countries) foist upon the World can be seen as odious and usurious to any Islamic nation or group.
   Hypothetically you could argue that the 'rage' (really just megalomania) that 'drove' Bin-Laden to murder was based on a sense of injustice born of his faith. Frankly, if taken in the abstract and only judging him based upon the reasons for countless revolutions over the millenia-including the American Revolution, a sympathetic person might think it was okay for OBL to wreak the havoc he caused....I have a different take on him.
   He may have started as an idealist, but eventually his birth into wealth an privilege just made him another rich douchebag with a 'grudge' that he used to warp minds and kill for his own pleasure and love of power. In short? He was just a fluffy white cat away from being a James Bond villain.
And he got his ass capped like one.
I hate to think of killing as an answer, but, he earned the the $0.46 (avg. cost) for the 2 -9mm rounds (probably, could have been .45ACP, .380ACP etc...) that turned his grey matter into liquid.
He was just a fucking murderous piece of shit.
A serial killer.
    As much as I believe in many conspiracy theories, as much as I doubt the 'official' story behind 9/11 (though my conclusion is less conspiratorial and more pragmatic and money-based), I believe the official story about OBL's death. He hid in plain sight, someone got paid-off to rat him out, SEAL Team 6 killed him.
Done and dusted.
He was a smart enough, educated enough fucker that I would have reveled in the thought of him locked in solitary til his dying day with nothing to read but letters from the families of his victims, but him dead =The World is a Better Place.
He wasn't any better than Charles Manson.
That being said?
This story is completely fucked and wrong.
People need to go to prison for this.
As far as I am concerned, this is the same as a member of the Armed Forces perjuring them self in front of Congress.
This is only going to advance the myth, the conspiracies.
It is bullshit.
Any service-person invloved in this sham should be stripped of rank and benefits and subject to prosecution.
It is disgusting.
Merry Christmas.
You get the government you tolerate.

'via Blog this'

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