Friday, December 2, 2011

Merely Wires and Lights in a Box. And, We Have Gotten Used to It

And, We Have Gotten Used to It: "I am reminded of the finest speech I ever heard on the subject of television journalism. It was given by Ed Murrow in 1958.

Murrow said, "This instrument can teach, it can illuminate; yes, and it can even inspire. But, it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to use it to those ends ... otherwise, it is merely wires and lights in a box.""

   Dan Rather on ethics and journalism, the importance of journalism, and the shams that have been rammed down our throats for over a decade.
Click the link, read the whole thing. It is important. Not just to the World, the U.S. or to you, but to your kids. It is part of the legacy we pass on.
   I don't claim to be a journalist, or even a pundit, just a concerned, responsible citizen (and total prick) who wants to see evil punished, good rewarded, and stupid exposed....(and thinks he knows everything)
  I am posting this because there is no one out there who can say they know better than a guy like Dan Rather. No one. Not you, not me, nobody.
   If you are under the age of 40 then you have little or no concept of what network journalism is-and the bad-guys like it that way. It used to be that a major network anchor or reporter was a revered figure in society-and I mean revered. They were part of the face our nation showed to the World-with pride-constantly proving that despite missteps, political scandal, corruption, and wrongdoing, that, as a nation, we had our collective heads on straight. We proved this every night at 6:30pm when we sat down to watch the news because we had heroic figures that that risked their lives, reputations, and careers just to give us a good look at the World.A good look not only at the larger world, but at ourselves, our country, and the actions our elected officials took in our name.
Watching the nightly news used to be a form of national service.
   I know that normally I can be pretty vicious about many matters, but this...this is something that requires positive reinforcement and an education in pride: It is not shameful to err. Electing the wrong people, working for the wrong company, doing the wrong thing once or twice doesn't make you, your nation, or your fellow citizens bad. Blindly and ignorantly turning away from the truth because you are too much of a pussy to face facts is what makes you a bad person. Not doing the right thing because it isn't the right thing for you makes you a bad person.
   Never forget that just because you don't think that one president or leader isn't a bad person doesn't mean they won't inadvertently set the stage for the next evil tyrant. Even more than threat of violence against one's government, the threat of exposing and not tolerating bad acts is the thing those that would seek to destroy or enslave us fear.
  If you forget that, or choose not to believe it you are part of the problem-just like anyone who was 'just following orders'. You are no different.
I make no claim whatsoever to be a scholar of any sort. One of my friends posted this on Facebook 2 days ago-and though he and I have wildly different views on certain aspects of politics, he is a truly excellent person and extraordinarily sharp, educated, and well, read.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” Søren Kierkegaard

'via Blog this'

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