Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Guillotine vs. Progressive Taxation

Guillotine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "On 10 October 1789, Doctor Joseph-Ignace Guillotin, a French physician, stood before the National Assembly and proposed the following six articles in favour of the reformation of capital punishment:

ARTICLE 1: All offenses of the same kind will be punished by the same type of punishment irrespective of the rank of status of the guilty party.
ARTICLE 2: Whenever the Law imposes the death penalty, irrespective of the nature of the offense, the punishment shall be the same: decapitation, effected by means of a simple mechanism.
ARTICLE 3: The punishment of the guilty party shall not bring discredit upon or discrimination against his family.
ARTICLE 4: No one shall reproach a citizen with any punishment imposed on one of his relatives. Such offenders shall be publicly reprimanded by a judge.
ARTICLE 5: The condemned person's property shall not be confiscated.
ARTICLE 6: At the request of the family, the corpse of the condemned man shall be returned to them for burial and no reference to the nature of death shall be registered.[2]"

   Don't get me wrong. I neither advocate violence nor progressive taxation. While I don't hold taxes in the same dim light as murder, I thought it might be interesting for the Rich to mull a few things over....
   Both the Guillotine and progressive taxation have one thing in common: They were both popularized as a way to keep rich people in their place. The Guillotine was used to punish the rich who wallowed in avarice while the poor floundered in economic victimhood. Progressive taxes are used to prevent this situation. It has been 200 years since the French decided they would rather eat bread than cake and they are just now beginning to hear from the self-aggrandizing pricks who seem to feel entitled to their privilige at the expense of the rest of society. In America, we enacted progressive taxation as a means to avoid rich folks from taking everything, gutting our economy, and letting everyone else scramble for the scraps...unfortunately we forgot to enact ways of keeping them from buying the politicians who would repeal progressive taxes. The CEOs of both Exxon and Valero have publicly stated that as much as 40% of the cost of gasoline is due to speculation: I drive for a living-that costs me $6,000. If you (a vague, general, hypothetical 'you') tried to come into my house to steal six grand I would fucking shoot you-so would several million other Americans-if their dogs didn't get you first. If the police arrived to arrest you if I had merely held you for them (which is optimal, prison is always better than homicide) alot of cops would ask me why I didn't shoot you.
Still think the French are stupid?

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