Monday, June 6, 2011

Weiner's Cock Picture and Your Pathetic, Pea-Sized Brain.

I haven't seen Anthony Weiner's cock-and neither should you. Not because he shouldn't have sent a picture to a chick he wanted to bang, but because: IT IS NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS YOU FUCKING RETARDS! If any of you think that it is any of your business, or that it actually matters for even one second please rush out to the nearest gun store and purchase something very large and powerful, take it home, put it in your mouth and pull the trigger. The world is DONE with people like you. Your idiocy is literally destroying this planet and everything on it.
   I am a grownup. I think about grownup things from time to time. Like nuclear terrorism, the erosion of civil liberties, how the hell we are going to feed 12 billion people because we are too fucking stupid and lazy to put a piece of plastic on our genitals. I am a grownup and a single man-I think about sex a lot too, if I a grown woman I am attracted to wants to send me a picture of her va-jay-jay that would be just fine and dandy with me. I would enjoy it. I sometimes look at pictures of naked women for my own personal enjoyment-and ya know what? Sometimes I look at porn too. You know why? Because I am human, a grownup, and I love having sex with women. Hot, dirty,nasty, sweaty, porno sex. Sweet, loving, sensual sex.  'Hey I'm bored, wanna fool around?' sex.
And so do you. It is one of the things we do....apparently not often enough either, by the looks of it.
If a woman who I was attracted to wants to send me a picture of her privates then so be it. I welcome it. You know what I won't do? SHARE IT WITH THE FUCKING WORLD TO EMBARRASS HER! Ya know why?

Yep. because I am a grownup. And I have better things to do-and SO DO YOU ASSHOLE!

   Weiner  is only pissing away a wonderful career if you IDIOTS push it in that direction. Ted Kennedy committed murder and had a wonderful career. 
   What everyone is trying to say with this colossal moronity, is that in a nation where we are currently engaged in a massive civil rights battle over the sexuality of people who used to be considered 'abnormal', a perfectly normal, heterosexual act is now ruining a man's life? How intelligent does that make any of you? %90 of the gay men that read this have cock pictures on their phone-and I bet at least half of the women do too.This is only an issue because he pisses off Republicans and they aren't used to encountering anyone other Bernie Sanders or Dennis Kucinich with a testicle larger than a fucking  grape....and they are not just turning this back on the Dems., they are tricking the Dems. into turning it back on themselves! What a bunch of weak pathetic pieces of garbage you people are being. You should be going after the bitch that leaked this photo with torches and pitchforks, but instead, you sit at home diddling yourselves to the cock pics on your iphone.
Don't tell me you aren't.
You just gotta keep shooting yourselves in the foot, don't ya?
Got hypocrisy America?

   This is exactly why we are $14trillion in debt, bogged down in endless war, financially enslaved to people who who may or may not want to see us destroyed and/or enslaved, and left wondering why we have such deep, empty caverns in our souls. Caverns we fill up with Snookis and Real Housewives and shitty music and cheap, sweatshop produced 'goods' that suck the life out of our country and the money from our wallets.
For FUCK'S sake, what the hell is wrong with you people?

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